
Childrens Rosary English

The Dicastery for Laity Family and Life, a Holy-See appointed initiative, currently promotes the Children’s Rosary on their website for bishops and other Church leaders visiting the Vatican.

Child Consecration

Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit

of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower is a 33-day journey for groups, parishes,

families, children, schools, homeschool groups, and adults.

This Consecration to Jesus through Mary is the request we make to Mary

to bring a soul entrusted to her under her mantle of protection. The soul

brings all it has; past, present, and future, to be placed at the disposal of

Mary. In turn Our Lady takes the soul by the hand and guides it to its true

home in Heaven while cultivating a multitude of fruits. More info at ChildConsecration.com

“This Consecration has been one of the loveliest things of my priesthood. There is

something of Heaven about this Consecration and I pray many individuals and

families may consider taking up this book. I also humbly invite Shepherds to consider

leading their flock in this Consecration. A great harvest lies ahead.”

–Bishop John Keenan of Paisley, Scotland

A Soul Prepared through Sufering

This book is a 40-day retreat. It is for those in the trenches of suffering and

for those yet to be put to the test, for it prepares people to understand that

suffering shared by a loving God works in ways nothing else can.

“This book written by Dr. Blythe Kaufman is very important for our

age when many Christians see redemptive suffering as foreign to

human existence . . . This book is a must-read. I recommend it for all

Christians and non-Christians alike. It is very important for overall spiritual growth.”

–Most Rev. Oliver Dashe Doeme, Bishop of Maiduguri, Nigeria



Children’s Rosary books, CDs,

DVDs, T-shirts & banners

as well as instructional videos, guides, prayers

& songs can be found at ChildrensRosary.org

Children’s Rosary websites are available in:

English childrensrosary.org

Spanish rosariodeninos.org

French rosairedesenfants.org

Portuguese rosariodascriancas.org

German kinderrosenkranz.com

The Children’s Rosary book, which has an

Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat, has been released in

English, Spanish, French, and German.



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