Rude Health Magazine September-October 2024
Rude Health Magazine is the official consumer title of Health Stores Ireland, reflecting health trends, news and consumer information in Ireland. This is the September-October 2024 issue.
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The latest news and research from the world of natural health
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Summer is gone, if it was ever really
here, but while the weather in Ireland
may not be reliable, you can always
trust Rude Health magazine to
inform and entertain when it comes
to all matters related to our health
food industry. Your September/
October issue is here with a focus
on immunity, heart health, the importance of herbs and
menstrual health. Health Stores Ireland can provide info and
assistance on all of those topics in tandem with your Rude
Health magazine, so call in to your local health store today!
Along with such a multitude of topics, at this time of year
it would be remiss of us not to talk about back to school –
dreaded for some, looked forward to by others! Personally,
attending national school in rural Ireland in the early 90s with
my background ensured that my lunchbox was seen as quite
the novelty when compared to the standard white bread
jam sandwiches with a bag of crisps and a soft drink that
most of my peers seemed to be munching into. Thankfully,
times have changed, and now more than ever parents can
see the importance of a healthy diet from the very beginning
of their children’s lives. Nowadays, foods like hummus,
rice cakes, raw carrot and avocado aren’t out of place in
lunchboxes around the country. It’s no longer considered
unusual or cruel and that is a positive sign of progress when
it comes to attitudes towards diet. There are more and more
supplements aimed at children and teenagers, with special
dietary needs of kids catered for now more than ever also.
Chewable supplements like fish oils are now more geared
towards the sometimes picky palate that children can have.
I’d like to finish by congratulating Atlantic Aromatics on
their 40th anniversary this year, which they celebrated over
the summer. They are an important partner to Health Stores
Ireland and are a brand we can be proud of.
Happy reading.
Leroy Smith, Chairperson
The Irish Association of Health Stores
Back to school!
Show some love
for organic living
rude | news
What’s in season?
Marrow, pak choi, radish, courgette, peas,
kale, French beans, beetroot,
mushrooms, tomato, cucumbers,
peppers, rhubarb, parsnip,
onion, lettuce, leeks, celery,
cauliflower, carrot, cabbage,
brussels sprouts, broccoli,
strawberry, raspberry.
The theme of this year’s Organic September campaign is
simple: “Love Organic.” The annual campaign is headed up
by the team at Soil Association Certification and the aim is to
celebrate and promote the benefits of an organic lifestyle.
The month-long Organic September campaign has
been running for over 10 years now. This year the focus is on
celebrating the joy of doing something good for our health,
nature and the planet. Organic living isn’t just about food
and drink – it also incorporates fashion, health and beauty
– and new customers are being encouraged to give it a try.
The campaign will encourage people to share their favourite
organic product and why they love it so much.
Be sure to head to your local independent health food
store on Saturday 21 September to join in with the organic
celebrations. Stores across the country will be holding tastings
and inviting their ‘local food heroes’ – organic growers and
suppliers - to meet customers and share the benefits of organic
living for nature, climate and our health.
Meanwhile, on social media, consumers, chefs and
influencers will be challenged to answer the question: “What do
you love about organic?” and asked to come up with a joyful
afrmation of what makes them feel really great about their
sustainable choices.
For more information on Organic September, visit
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