
Final Faculty Resource Guide 2024 - 2025 (1)

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Faculty Forward:

A Comprehensive Guide

2024 - 2025

Academic Year

Presented by the

Thompson Center


Learning &


The establishment of the Center came after years of work

from different task forces dedicated to understanding how

to better support teaching efforts on the UM-Flint campus.

This includes the 1988 Provost Task Force on Teaching, the

1991 CAS Task Force on Teaching, and the 1996 Provost Task

Force on Teaching. Notably the 1988 Task Force

recommended the establishment of a teaching center.

The charge of the 1996 Provost Task Force on Teaching was

to develop recommendations that would allow UM-Flint to

fulfill their goal of “placing concrete emphasis on good

teaching, providing adequate support for it, and building it

into our reward structure.” Among other things and in line

with the 1988 Task Force’s recommendation, the 1996 Task

Force recommended the development of a Center for

Teaching and Learning by Fall 1999.

The TCLT, then located in the Thompson Library, Room 112,

officially opened its doors on Tuesday, December 15, 1998

with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and faculty mini-


TCLT History

Throughout the years, there have been a

number of TCLT Directors.

Lois Rosen (1998 – 2003)

Susan Gano-Phillips (2003 – 2007)

Mary Jo Finney (2007 – 2009)

Jan Worth-Nelson (2010 – 2013)

Tracy Wacker (2013 – 2021)

Laura McLeman (2022 – present)

The TCLT has been supported by many staff

members over the years, including:

Kim Isbister

Ginny Sollinger

Jessica Monschau

Sandy Alberto (2005 – 2022)

Angie Gooch (2022)

Kelly Craig (2023 – present)

TCLT History

The Thompson Center for Learning & Teaching

acknowledges and advances excellence in teaching

throughout campus and across all modalities. The Center

assists faculty in their efforts to deepen knowledge of

their current teaching practice, explore new methods for

promoting active learning, and incorporate new

technologies into teaching.

Our Mission

To provide professional faculty development

opportunities that promote excellence in learning,

teaching and engagement.

Our Vision

To foster an inclusive and collaborative culture that

enriches scholarship and collegiality.

TCLT Mission & Vision

The TCLT Staff

Administrative Specialist

(810) 237-6508

Laura McLeman

Gary Ashley

Kelly Craig

Director, Associate Professor

(810) 424-5493

Program Manager

Office of Engaged Learning

(810) 424-5483




The TCLT Advisory Board will provide advice and

counsel to the TCLT Center director about Center

programming and bring forth their ideas about work

the Center should undertake. Specifically, in its advisory

capacity, the Board will ....

inform the Center director about student

experiences and needs in the classroom to inform

programmatic interventions to support faculty


provide feedback on the policies and procedures

that govern the work of the Center

provide input on the events that the Center holds

serve as liaisons to fellow faculty/staff/students in

answering questions about the work of the Center

and will promote the work of the Center

make recommendations to the Center director

about funding decisions and awards.

TCLT Advisory Board

Gary Ashley, Program Manager

Office of Engaged Learning

representative, Member Ex-Officio

Kelly Craig, Administrative Specialist

Thompson Center for Learning &

Teaching, Member Ex-Officio

Jeff Drake, Senior Instructional


Office of Online and Digital Education


David Luke, Chief Diversity Officer

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Suzanne Knight, Associate Professor

Faculty Representative At Large

Dawn Markell, Director

Student Success Center representative

Advisory Board


2023 - 2024

Zachariah Mathew, Director

Center for Global Engagement


Laura McLeman, Director

Thompson Center for Learning &

Teaching, Member Ex-Officio

Kimberly Saks, Assistant Professor

Faculty Representative At Large

Leslie Smith, Clinical Associate


Faculty Representative At Large

Janelle Wiess, Lecturer IV

Faculty Representative At Large

Kristi Wilson, Associate Professor

Faculty Representative At Large



A big thank you to the following individuals for their

hard work in creating the videos:

Heather Dawson, Emily Doerr, Arianna Elkins, Tom

Henthorn, Robert McCathern, Brian Miesen, Mona

Munroe-Younis, JIm Schultz, Jason Skelton, Dayne

Walling, Justin Wetanhall, Amy Yorke



Video Series

To extend the reach of the professional development offered

around community-engaged work, the TCLT and the Office of

Engaged Learning worked with faculty, students, and community

partners to facilitate the creation of the following videos:

Video 1: Introduction to the community-engaged video series

Video 2: Why conduct community-engaged work?

Video 3: Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with


Video 4: Integrating students in community-engaged


Teaching circles, usually

involving groups of five to

ten faculty and/or staff, are

sponsored each year providing

a forum for discussion around

a common interest in

teaching and learning.

Marian E.




Marian E. Wright is a former

classroom teacher, speech therapist,

and language arts curriculum c

onsultant, among other things. Local

to the Flint area, Marian established

several endowments at UM-Flint

supporting Teaching Circles, the Marian

E. Wright Writing Center, and

other unique programs.

What is a



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