001-040 - K9 Training englisch
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Foreword ...................................................................................... 9
Acknowledgements ..................................................................... 11
Fundamentals of Working Dog Training ................................. 13
The Character Traits of a (Working-) Dog ........................ 13
Drive and Instinct Disposition ............................................. 17
Emotions, Drives, and Behavior .......................................... 18
Motivation & Reward ........................................................... 24
Play as a Learning and Motivation Tool for Working K9
Dogs ........................................................................................ 29
Leveraging Play for Enhanced Training and Bonding in
Working Dogs ........................................................................ 32
Psychology Foundations and Training Techniques ................. 33
The Pavlovian Dog Story ...................................................... 33
Principles of Learning Theory for Working K9 Dogs ....... 35
Repeated Practice and Training .......................................... 39
Cognitive Abilities: Learning and Memory of Working K9
Dogs ........................................................................................ 40
Learning Process & Memory Performance of Working K9
Dogs ........................................................................................ 46
Neural Mechanisms: Overview of Long-term Potentiation
and Long-term Depression in Working K9 Dogs ............... 49
When the Working K9 Dog's Brain Goes on the Hunt ..... 51
Hunting Behavior and Its Influence on Professional Duties
................................................................................................. 52
Practical Example: Agonistic Behavior in a Dog ............... 60
Psychological Aspects and Their Importance in Working
K9 Dog Training ................................................................... 69
History and Evolution Protection Dogs .................................... 71
Origins of Protection Dog Training ..................................... 71
Emergence of Formal Protection Dog Training ................. 74
Historical Use of Guard Dogs in the Military and Police
Services ................................................................................... 75
Significant Milestones in Guard Dog Training .................. 76
Modern Applications and Evolution of the Guard Dog .... 78
Development of Guard Dog Breeds ..................................... 81
"Nello & Patrasche" ............................................................. 87
Perspective on Guard Dogs .................................................. 90
Ethics and Animal Welfare ..................................................... 93
Training Methodologies and Environmental Adaptations ....... 95
Environmental Training for Working K9 Dogs ................. 95
Control and Discipline in Working K9 Dog Training ..... 100
Flexibility in Training ......................................................... 102
Selection, Assessment, and Team Building ............................ 105
Selection, Assessment, and Requirements for Working K9
Dogs ...................................................................................... 105
Selection Criteria and the Importance of Working K9 Dogs
............................................................................................... 106
Character and Performance Evaluation ........................... 110
The Role of the Trainer and Evaluator ............................. 112
Behavior in Isolation: An Analysis .................................... 113
Procurement Assessments of Potential Protection Dogs in
Practice ................................................................................. 115
Environmental Behavior .................................................... 118
Training Strategies and Methods in the Working K9 Sector
............................................................................................... 121
Purpose and Function of Working Dogs ........................... 124
The Importance of Team Building .................................... 125
Criteria for Team Formation ............................................. 127
The Impact of Gender Dynamics on Working Dog
Performance ........................................................................ 128
The Role of Boldness in Working Dog Success ................ 131
Understanding Emotional Reactions: Causes and Proven
Coping Strategies ................................................................ 135
Effects of Aggression and Isolation ................................... 137
Effects of Faulty Team Formation .................................... 138
Left-Leaning or Right-Leaning: The Significance ........... 139
Advanced Training Concepts and Special Requirements ...... 145
Cognitive Training and Memory Development in Detection
Dogs ...................................................................................... 145
Complex Cognitive Learning ............................................. 149
Comparison of training strategies ..................................... 153
Play behavior and training methods in protection dog
training for working K9 dogs ............................................. 156
Special Requirements for Dog Handlers in the Military,
Police, and Customs ............................................................ 159
Protection Duties and Training in Working K9 Operations
............................................................................................... 164
Aggression Control in Working K9 Dog Training ........... 167
Limits in Protection Dog Training .................................... 170
Comparison of Training Methods in the Context of Protection
Dog Training ............................................................................ 181
Stress Limits in Protection Service .................................... 189
When do stress limits occur in dogs, and how can I
recognize them? ................................................................... 191
Correcting "Overexcited" Protection Dogs ...................... 192
Causes and Observed Behavior in Overexcited Working
Dogs ...................................................................................... 195
Physiological Indicators of Stress ...................................... 199
Techniques and Ethics in Protection Dog Training ......... 204
Training Techniques in Protection Work for ................... 206
The modular approach to working dog training: ............ 211
A key to calmness ................................................................ 211
Unconventional protection service techniques – .............. 215
A critical analysis ................................................................ 215
Work with protection dogs on the drive chain ................. 217
The trigger of a whip .......................................................... 222
Lack of clarity, trust, and sustainability in protection dog
training ................................................................................. 224
Misinterpretation of the agitation stick in protection
service ................................................................................... 225
Phases in the Protection Dog Training of Young Dogs ... 227
Impressions from the protection service development of a
young dog ............................................................................. 243
Training Tricks for Success: Three Practical Tips .......... 246
Protection Work and Muzzle Work .................................. 252
The Significance of Bark Alerts in Building Searches:
Purpose and Application in a Working K9 Context ........ 259
Protection Service during Searches for Persons Inside and
Outside Buildings ................................................................ 264
Searches of premises and properties / Methodology,
techniques, and challenges ................................................. 280
Challenges in Tracking Scent Trails in Terrain: An
Illustrative Overview .......................................................... 285
The Role of Technology in Modern Working K9 Dog
Training ............................................................................... 287
Modern Tools in Working K9 Dog Training .................... 288
New Tools and Techniques ................................................. 289
Guiding Dogs with Lasers: Background and Application
............................................................................................... 289
Training with Lasers ........................................................... 290
Training Mats, Platforms, and Training Platforms ........ 294
Health, Well-being, and Ethical Practices .............................. 296
Stress Management in Training ........................................ 296
Practical Guide to the Well-being of Working K9 Dogs in
Training ............................................................................... 298
What is Well-being? ............................................................ 301
Stress-Induced Behavioral Dynamics in Working Dogs . 303
Effects of Acute Stress ........................................................ 308
Physical Reactions to Stress ............................................... 310
Perception and Emotions - On the Relationship Between
Stress and Sense of Smell ................................................... 312
First Aid for Dogs ................................................................ 314
Heart Rate in Protection Work ......................................... 323
Body Temperature in Protection Work ............................ 324
Proper Dosage of Protection Work ................................... 325
Closing and Ethical Appeal ..................................................... 326
The 10 Commandments for Dog Handlers and Trainers:
............................................................................................... 326
Between Animal Welfare and Operational Reality: The
Challenges in Official Protection Service ......................... 328
Closing Word and Appeal - Health and Ethics Forefront
............................................................................................... 332
References - Scientific and Professional Sources: ................. 334
Partners in Action – Training Elite Working Dogs
Texts: © Copyright by Karl-Heinz Klöpper IV/2024
Cover: © Copyright by Karl-Heinz Klöpper
Publisher: DOGINARE – Specialist Publisher for Working
K9 Dog Handlers
Edi7on: June/2024
ISBN: 978-3-00-063133-7 e-Book
Prin7ng: wir-machen-druck.de
Postal Address: Am Volkspark 40 – 45768 Marl –
Contact: info@doginare.net - www.doginare.net
Personal Dedication by Werwolf K9
As a professional dog handler in France, I have perused
many books and resources over the course of my career
that deal with the art and science of dog handling. It is
therefore a great pleasure for me to recommend this
book, which not only offers a profound understanding of
cynology but also serves as a valuable companion for
anyone involved with working dogs.
This book delves deeply into the fascinating world of
protection dogs and highlights the complex relationship
comprehensive portrayal of both theoretical foundations
and practical applications in the training of working dogs,
it offers a wide range of valuable information that is
invaluable to both newcomers and experienced dog
handlers alike.
The detailed examination of the emotional and instinctive
behaviors of working dogs, along with insights into their
cognitive development and the neural bases of their
behavior, makes this book a must-have for all who seek a
deeper understanding and a stronger bond with their
four-legged partners.
May this book enrich your knowledge and inspire you to
deepen and strengthen your relationship with your
working dogs. I am confident that everyone who works
with protection dogs or simply has an interest in these
extraordinary animals will find this book a source of
inspiration and learning.
With best recommendations,
Werwolf K9 - Professional Military Dog Handler
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