Progeny Useful Contacts
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Version 1 - Published: July 2024 - Review Due: July 2025 - Charity No. 1051757
Useful Contacts
Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Schools .............1
Mental Health Crisis .....................................................2
General Mental Health Support..................................4
Eating Disorders............................................................8
Substance Misuse........................................................11
The Zone provides free, confidential
information and support to all young
people aged 13-25. The Zone can help with
anything from health and wellbeing,
relationships, sexual health, mental health,
access to counselling, and support around
housing. We also provide workshops
around emotional wellbeing, sexual health
and healthy relationships.
Kooth is an online mental wellbeing
community that is free, safe, and
anonymous for those under the age of 18.
You can speak to qualified professionals
through their chat service, or other young
people through forums to share your
story, get advice, and help others.
CAMHS aim to promote the mental health
and psychological wellbeing of children
and young people, they make sure that the
right services, tailored to the needs of
children and young people, are in place to
support them when needed.
Young Devon are working to change the
odds in favour of young people across
Devon, Plymouth, and Torbay. They offer a
large range of services that are detailed on
their website.
Emotional Health and
Wellbeing in Schools
Livewell Southwest have set up a support
line which any child or young person under
the age of 18 in Plymouth experiencing a
mental health crisis can call to seek support
or advice from mental health professionals
who will then triage as necessary. The
young person does not need to be open to
the Children and Adolescent Mental Health
Service (CAMHS) but they will need to be
registered with a Plymouth GP. Parents,
carers, families, and professionals with
concerns about a young person’s mental
health can also call the number. They are
can be contacted on the 24/7 urgent
response line by calling NHS 111 (select the
mental health option)
Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan
will face it with you. They are available 24
hours a day, 365 days a year. Give them a
call on 116 123 (free from any phone).
SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental
health helpline offering specialist
emotional support, guidance and
information to anyone affected by mental
illness, including family, friends, and carers.
The helpline is there to support people –
particularly if you feel you have reached a
moment of crisis. You can call them 365
days a year on 0300 304 7000 (between
4pm and 10pm).
Mental Health Crisis
Their mission is simple – to be there for you
when you need them most. Anyone
experiencing a mental health crisis is
welcome to call their compassionate and
understanding lifeline, between 6pm and
midnight everyday on 0800 689 5652. If
you encounter issues connecting to this
number, an alternative option is available
at 0800 689 0880.
If you are struggling and need to talk, you
can call CALM on 0800 585858 between
5pm and midnight every day. If you prefer
not to speak on the phone, they have an
online chat service you could try.
If you prefer not to talk but want some
mental health support, you can text
‘SHOUT’ to 85258. It is a confidential 24/7
text service that offers support to those in
If you are under the age of 25 and
experiencing a crisis, you can request
support by email using The Mix’s Email
Enquiry form.
If you are under the age of 35 and
struggling with suicidal feelings, or
concerned about a young person who
might be struggling, you can call their
helpline on 0800 068 4141 (24 hours a day,
7 days a week), email
or text 07786209697.
Mental Health Crisis
Work in collaboration with children and
young people, their families and
communities and mental health
professionals to transform children and
families mental health.
The mental health foundation promotes
good mental health for all through sharing
information, advice and publications.
Childline are there to help anyone under
the age of 19 in the UK with any issues they
are experiencing. It is a free and
confidential service that is available any
time, day or night. You can contact them by
phone, email, or their webchat.
Mind are a mental health charity that
provide information, advice, and services
to those impacted by mental health. They
aim to change minds (challenging
injustices), support minds (offering help
whenever someone might need it), and
connect minds (creating communities who
can support each other).
MindEd is a free educational resource on
children, young people, adults, and older
people’s mental health. They have
information, advice and guidance on a
range of mental health difficulties.
General Mental Health
From coping techniques to conversation
starters, distraction techniques and dealing
with anxiety, Papyrus have a broad range of
help, advice and resources available.
The Centre for Mental Health conduct
research, economic analysis and policy
ideas to better equip services and decision
makers to meet people’s needs and reduce
mental health inequalities.
Place2Be provide mental health support in
schools through 1:1 and group counselling
using tried and tested methods backed by
The Royal College of Psychiatrists provide
information for children, young people,
parents and carers about mental health.
This information has been written by
qualified psychiatrists and young people
with lived experience.
Whether you want to understand how
you’re feeling, find ways to feel better, or
support someone who is struggling, Young
Minds are able to help.
The Association for Young People’s Health
(AYPH) work to understand and meet the
health and wellbeing needs of 10-25 year
olds. They have information and resources
available on their website.
General Mental Health
The Community Trust is committed to
working with partners both nationally and
locally to work with groups, individuals and
companies to help support people with
mental health, whether this be in people’s
recovery or help to manage symptoms.
They have specific projects available, but
also engage with awareness raising and
Barnardo’s are there to help children and
young people feel safer, happier, healthier,
more hopeful and have somewhere they
feel they belong. They are able to offer
support to young people and their families
– whatever you are going through, they are
there to help.
Mind are a mental health charity that
provide information, advice, and services
to those impacted by mental health. The
Devon team lead the fight for better mental
health across Devon.
The NHS have published plenty of useful
information on their website about a range
of mental health difficulties. You can find
self-help tips, information on feelings,
symptoms, behaviours and medications, as
well as signposting for additional support
should you need it.
General Mental Health
Livewell Southwest is an independent
social enterprise and community interest
company (CIC) providing integrated health
and social care services for people.
Community Connections Youth Team work
with young people in Plymouth who are
aged between 11 and 19 (up to 25 where
there is a specific additional need or
disability). They have youth groups and
centres, deliver programmes and activities,
whilst also supporting external and
partnership projects to promote the same
values and skills for young people.
Plymouth Options are a free and
confidential NHS talking therapy service for
people (aged 16+) in Plymouth. You are able
to self-refer to their service, to see their
criteria please visit their website.
General Mental Health
Beat are the leading UK charity for eating
disorders, they have a mission to end the
pain and suffering caused by eating
disorders. They offer support to those
experiencing an eating disorder but also
their family and friends.
Plymouth Eating Disorder Service are able
to offer short to medium term therapeutic
and dietetic intervention for those who are
over the age of 18.
CAMHS Eating Disorder Pathway works with
children and young people (aged 5 -18) and
their families in the community, offering
assessments and treatment to young
Eating Disorders
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