Insight June 2024
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ny and nowhere else. The organizer shall issue an in-
voice without VAT and the sponsor self-accounts the
VAT in Germany. No Belgium VAT is due on this sup-
On the other hand, when both the organizer and the
sponsor are established in the same country, the local
VAT must be charged on the supply of sponsorship
and paid to the Tax administration of their country of
For sponsors without a business status (B2C)
If a European sponsor has no Intra-Community VAT
number, he will be considered as a non-taxable person
and the reverse charge cannot be applied. According
to the special rule for event related services supplied
to non-taxable persons, the sponsorship shall be sub-
ject to the VAT of the country where the event takes
An Intra-Community VAT number is a number that
individually identifies the companies liable for VAT in
each EU Member State, whether they are established
in that country or not. That enables the company to
make business abroad from their country of establish-
ment. For instance, Spain or Italy are providing Intra-
community number only on request, it is not auto-
matically attributed, at the difference of an internal
VAT number. The internal VAT number are not regis-
tered in VIES which is a European system that enables
operators to check the validity of the VAT number.
If a non-European sponsor cannot prove its business
status, the place of supply of the sponsorship shall re-
main the place where he is established. This is due to
the special rule on advertising services supplied to non
-taxable persons established outside the European Un-
ion Community.
This shall be applied to a US-based sponsor.
The specificity of the Sponsorship packages
Often, organizers are not only providing advertisement
on screen, bags, in the catalogue… but a whole package
including admissions on site, and/or meeting rooms.
Since admissions and meeting rooms are subject to
VAT in the country where the event is held, the reverse
charge cannot be applied on the whole sponsorship
For the VAT paid on the services subject to local VAT,
the sponsors having a business status can submit a
VAT reimbursement request. Non-Europeans may
have to name a Tax Representative, in that regard.
What is the difference between Sponsorship and
Donations are made by entities that contribute finan-
cially to non-profit organizations, for no consideration
in return and that are used to help the organizations
accomplish their goals and objectives.
Donations can be made to charities that operate exclu-
sively for religious, charitable, scientific, education-
al, or other specified purposes.
Since there is no service in return, these transactions
are not considered as commercial operations and they
are outside the scope of VAT. As consequence, no in-
voice shall be issued for these transactions.
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