
Impact Report 2022-2023

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2023 Impact Report

Meet Our President & CEO

Who We Are

Financial Reports Fiscal Year 2023

Scope of Impact

Agency Highlights

Becoming a Foster Parent

Ways to Give


Our Supporters



Board Members & Executive Team

Dear Friends,

As I write this, our Five-Year Strategic Plan for FY 2020-2024 is coming to a close and, in that time, we have

seen the culmination of a productive, challenging, and very meaningful chapter for our organization. The past

five years were also a time of much important growth, learning and accomplishment. I am very proud to share

highlights with you while also previewing our next set of goals as a multi-service, team-driven and values-

based organization and look forward to the implementation of our Strategic Plan for FY 2025-2029.

CMCS’ new Plan will extend the progress we made in FY 2023 and throughout the Strategic Plan FY 2020-

2024, including the expansion and development of our continuum of services for children, youth, adults and

families. We were able to develop:

New housing and day programs for young adults with developmental disabilities.

New programming in our Supported Employment-McCloskey Works! Model.

New Culinary Skills and Greenhouse program.

New early childhood education programs, services for pregnant mothers, and children, ages 0-3.

Development of a new Education Center, including Head Start programs and the Cardinal McCloskey

Community Charter School and full implementation of the Charter School into a successful

Kindergarten-5th grade model.

Expansion of mental health services into new school-based clinics in Bronx schools.

Development of citywide services for mental health, substance abuse and complex medical

conditions services.

Implementation of trauma-informed parenting and clinical supports for high-need children and youth.

In order to make this and so much more happen, CMCS supported all with new community partnerships,

enhanced and renovated program sites, and new use of technology, including telehealth capacity. Our

employees worked steadily throughout COVID and, as an organization, we pivoted to strengthen our retention

and recruitment efforts by adding benefits and salary enhancements. We continue to promote the

independence and empowerment of all our employees through: identified professional development supports

and training opportunities; the further development of our Sanctuary practice and re-certification of our

organization; our Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging commitment; and our accreditation from the

national Council on Accreditation.

In the coming months, we will be implementing a new Strategic Plan and look

forward to sharing this new vision with all of our constituencies. Until then, it is

important to recognize our incredible, talented and dedicated team members

who work to promote our mission of protecting, empowering and promoting

independence for at-risk children and families and those with developmental

disabilities through quality, community-based services.

Finally, our Board of Directors’ steady governance has facilitated our success

and will continue to be essential. We are so grateful to our Board Chair,

William T. Smith, Ph.D and all of our Board members for their leadership and

support. And, to all of our friends and supporters who invest in CMCS’ mission

and in the children, youth, adults, and families we serve, we thank you all!


Beth Finnerty

Meet Our

President & CEO

Who We Are


Our Early Childhood Education programs provide exceptional pre-school education to

children from infancy to age 5, as well as pregnant mothers. We offer a variety of programs

through home-based, center-based and family childcare models. All our programs ensure

that each child receives high-quality education, along with exceptional comprehensive

health, nutritional and social services. Our programs also utilize a two-generational

strengths-based approach to family engagement to address child and family needs and to

support families in achieving their goals.

Click here to learn more about our Early Childhood Education programs


The Developmental Disabilities Services programs we provide are as unique as those we

serve. Our residential and day services for adults with developmental disabilities are

designed to help individuals create the life they want for themselves by helping them gain

necessary skills to become more independent and self-sufficient. We help those who wish

to work, engage more in community life, and to enjoy friendships and relationships. As we do

so, we help each individual achieve the life wished for today, while working toward an even

brighter tomorrow.

Click here to learn more about our Developmental Disabilities Services programs


The Children’s Services programs provide intensive support to the most vulnerable children,

adolescents and families in New York City and Westchester County. Our service delivery

model offers a holistic, comprehensive, and wraparound approach that aims to promote and

ensure optimal health and well-being. We work with at-risk children, youth in foster care,

and families in crisis to provide clinical, medical, behavioral and mental health supports. All

of our supports are tailored to focus on each child’s individual needs and goals.

Click here to learn more about our Children’s Services programs

2023 Impact Report

Financial Report Fiscal Year 2023


Government Grants & Services

Appeals, Contributions and Events

Grants from Foundations and Corporations

In-Kind Contribution

Parent, Private & Client Fees

Gain on Extinguishment of Debt







Total Operating Revenues



Family Foster Care

Treatment Family Foster Care

Preparing Youth for Adulthood Program

Strategies for Success Program

Adoption Services

Foster Care Services



Drop-In Center

Preventive Services



At-Risk Services

Specialized Clinic

Medical & Clinical Services



Services For Individuals With Developmental Disabilities



Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA)

Day Habilitation Services

Supportive Employment

Early Childhood Education



Federal Head Start Grantee

ACS Family Day Care/Early Learn

Pre K for All/3K

Child and Adult Care Food Program

Administration & Development



Total Operating Expenses


2023 Impact Report



103 individuals had a safe place to live and enjoy life,

receive services to maintain health and wellness,

pursue personal goals, and build community.

72 individuals learned new skills for growth and

independence through day habilitation services.

22 individuals made strides toward employment, with 8

individuals sustaining employment during the year

42 individuals fulfilled personal goals to be leaders and

organizers, through CMCS’ Self-Advocacy Committee.

100% of families and individuals responding to our survey reported being satisfied with the

team caring for their loved ones in CMCS residential programs, and

100% of individuals responding to our survey reported being satisfied with the team that

supports them in CMCS day programs.


Residential, day habilitation and supported employment programs for adults with developmental

disabilities - young adults through seniors.

2023 Impact Report


Mental and behavioral health treatment, Health Home care-management, and community-based

supports for children, including evidence-based practices, to meet the clinical needs of children in foster

care as well as others residing in the Bronx community.

262 children in foster care were provided with clinical, behavioral and developmental assessments,

and treatment when needed, to support healthy development and recovery from trauma

142 children and youth received mental health treatment in our McCloskey Cares Mental Health

Clinic (Article 31)

522 children, along with their families, were helped with wellness and behavioral supports, and

care coordination for safe and healthy community living, through our community-based

supports and treatment and Health Home Care Management programs.

262 children and youth lived in safe homes with supportive relationships

with foster families.

59 children and youth achieved permanency with families, enabling them

to leave foster care.

97% of children, who returned home to birth families and kinship guardians,

remained with their family at follow-up one year after returning home.

92% of children in foster care remained in a consistent foster home and foster family.

80 of our children and youth participated in our Strategies for Success educational support

program, to stay academically and emotionally stable in school, and 86% of students in public

school met standards for grade promotion.


Family-based foster care, including specialized support for children with

behavioral challenges, serving children in the Bronx and Manhattan.

Family support, counseling and case management to address child protective concerns and support

parents in meeting children’s needs and maintaining family stability. Specialized services for families with

substance abuse and mental health challenges, and families whose children/parents have complex

medical conditions and/or developmental disabilities.

229 families, with 488 children, received support and counseling to help them build family

srength, health, and stability.

96% of families that finalized their cases during FY23 met their goals for the safety

and stability of their family.

93% of families remained safe and stable at follow-up one year after case closure.



2023 Impact Report


A continuum of programs serving children ages 0-5 – Head Start and Early Head Start, Family Child Care,

Universal Pre-K, Home Visiting, and an Expectant Mothers Program – to support healthy child development,

early learning, and kindergarten readiness, through a comprehensive child- and family-focused model.

1,220 young children engaged in classroom or home-based education for a full school year.

299 of four-year-olds completed the school year and successfully transitioned to kindergarten.

Formal assessments of children’s developmental milestones show overall growth through the

school year in all areas, including social emotional, physical, language and cognitive development

325,067 meals were served to children in our family- and center-based programs

(breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks).

Our 15th Annual Cardinal McCloskey Community

Services Golf Outing was one for the books! With

over 100 golfers and dinner guests in attendance,

our donors continued to display their

outstanding commitment to upholding our

mission to protect, empower and promote those

in our care!

Our 75th anniversary Gala was hosted at the

New York Athletic Club, it was a spectacular

evening. We celebrated two of our distinguished

honorees: Mrs. Constance Curran, our long time

donor and friend, and Anatomy IT, a Cardinal

McCloskey Annual Sponsor. The event

commemorated 75 years of services and a

steadfast commitment to at-risk children,

families, adults with developmental disabilities,

and children in early childhood education.

CMCS 75th

Anniversary Gala

With the generous support of our local

communities, churches, schools, Holiday Gift

Drive Committee, staff and volunteers, we were

able to ensure that each and every one of our

at-risk youth, children and families, and adults

with developmental disabilities were able to

open a gift this holiday season.

Holiday Gift Drive

This year, we really “stepped up” for our annual

“Step Up for CMCS” Walkathon! From food and ice

cream trucks to a huge bouncy house in our new

“Kids Fun Zone”, everyone had a blast! Over 300

children, families, donors and staff joined together

to celebrate a fun-filled day! Thank you to all

participants in our greater CMCS community for

your continued support and commitment to help

us maintain and expand our programs and services.

Because of you, we are able to serve all the

children, families and adults with developmental

disabilities in our care!

CMCS 15th Annual Golf

Outing & Dinner

Step Up for CMCS Annual


Agency Highlights

2023 Impact Report




Jamal is a young adult who has been in foster care since he was 10 years old. Jamal has a

relationship with both his parents, but unfortunately, he could not live with either of them

due to their inability to care for him. Since being in foster care, Jamal moved to several

homes until he was moved to Ms. Jacob’s foster home. Jamal finally found a foster mother

and home that provided him with the guidance, nurturing, and structure for him to learn,

grow and succeed. Ms. Jacob’s compassion, understanding, and support provided Jamal's

stability and structure as he was navigating through life and the struggles and traumas

experienced due to being in foster care.

Cardinal McCloskey Community Services is in need of more loving, nurturing, caring adults

like Ms. Jacobs to provide compassion and care to youth in foster care. Our foster parents

provide temporary care to children of all ages, from infants through adolescents, and of

various ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. Adults who are committed to opening their

hearts and homes to inspire, teach and support children in our foster care programs make

the best foster parents. Our devoted staff will assist you through the process of becoming a

foster parent and continue to support you throughout your foster parent journey of

supporting and nurturing youth in foster care.

Jamal Needs You! Change the Life of

a Child by Becoming a Foster Parent!

For additional information on becoming a foster parent

for children in our Bronx programs, please call 718-993-7700.

2023 Impact Report

REAL ESTATE: Gifts of personal residence can be made for an immediate income tax

deduction or with a retained life estate, the donor or designee can live in their home for the

rest of their life. After that time, the real estate is owned outright by CMCS, without the

complications of probate proceedings. This gift allows the donor to receive current income

deductions for the discounted value of the property.

STOCKS/MUTUAL FUNDS/SECURITIES: You can avoid capital gains tax on securities held

long-term and provide an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value at the date of

transfer. To plan your gift, please contact Shiemicka Banner, Vice President of Philanthropy at

(914) 640-9042 or sbanner@cmcs.org for further information.

As always, we recommend that you consult a tax

professional with any specific questions. Thank

you in advance for your continued support and


In these challenging economic times, Cardinal McCloskey Community Services

(CMCS) is more reliant than ever on private philanthropy. We have several methods

for you to help CMCS continue our life-changing work. You can make your tax-

deductible contribution to CMCS in any of the following ways:

Ways to Give

CHECK: Please make your check payable to Cardinal McCloskey Community Services.

CREDIT CARDS: We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Please contact

us by phone or visit our secure website: www.cmcs.org.

MATCHING GIFTS: You can double your gift to CMCS if you or your spouse work for an

organization with a Matching Gift Program.

PLANNED GIVING: A Planned Gift is your commitment to the future of CMCS and

demonstrates your lasting legacy to our mission.

BEQUEST: You can leave a bequest to CMCS in your will or trust. A donation through your will

or trust is fully tax-deductible and enables us to provide critical assistance to those in our


2023 Impact Report


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Impact Report 2022-2023