
ESG Impact Report UK&I 2023

OCS UK and Ireland is delighted to introduce our 2023 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) report.


Impact Report


UK & Ireland

Doing business in the right way

ESG Impact Report (UK&I) / 2023 / Page 2



Why ESG matters

About us

Embracing a new chapter by Daniel Dickson, CEO, OCS UK&I

Environment: Elevating our approach

Net Zero: Our 16 year journey

The power of action


Rethinking water


Social: Heart of our success


Learning and development for all


Social mobility: Exploring opportunities together


Inclusion and wellbeing: We all matter


Mental health: How’s your head?


Giving back


Governance: Gaining more strength


Ramping up ESG management


Smart supply chains


Modern slavery: Finding the gaps


What’s next?


Insights on our goals for 2024


Why ESG matters

OCS UK and Ireland is delighted to

introduce our 2023 Environment,

Social and Governance (ESG) report.

ESG and Sustainability are becoming

second nature in every decision we

make across the organisation – the

why, how, when, where and who of

how our 50,000 colleagues operate.

This dedication flows directly into our

relationships with our partners and

communities, as we put the spotlight

on enriching lives and environments.

ESG is essential in creating long-

term value as it propels welcomed

changes across the environmental

spectrum, workplace, communities

and many other areas. They also help

drive financial performance and build

business resilience. This is all vital to

both stability and growth.

By providing ESG information through

internal and external reports, we can

show our progress; actions speak

louder than words. Sustainability

reporting is also aligned with our long-

standing culture of transparency and

accountability and it has been a core

part of understanding and reporting

our carbon emissions over the past

few years.

ESG Impact Report (UK&I) / 2023 / Page 3

Equally, we know we must continue

improving the quality and reporting

process of data to support our ESG

metrics, especially as a bigger business.

We are committed to doing our best on

this ongoing journey. The greater our

knowledge, the faster our progress and

the quicker we can identify areas that

need more attention.

ESG enables us to pursue growth and

excellence on a holistic and sustainable

basis. But most importantly, it benefits

all the people and places that we are

privileged to work with and support.

What is ESG reporting?

ESG reporting focuses on the disclosure

of information, data and metrics to

illustrate companies’ environmental,

social and commercial impact and value.

It is a broad and holistic mechanism,

which means activities in the E, S

and G are often interlinked and


ESG reporting is also increasingly crucial

for companies’ financial reputation, as

stronger metrics are seen as effective

future proofing amidst countries’ net

zero targets. Both qualitative and

quantitative measures are relevant

in ESG reports; human-focused case

studies and data sets have similar merit.

Ultimately, ESG aims to make

companies greener, happier, safer,

fairer, transparent and prosperous.

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About us

OCS UK and Ireland is part of

OCS Group, a global business

with 120,000 colleagues.

We all have a single vision: to become

the best provider of facilities services for

colleagues, customers and communities

on the planet. We want to make people

and places the best they can be. We

have enough colleagues and engage with

enough communities to be the size of a

city. Therefore, we have a responsibility

and opportunity to positively impact the

lives of those we are connected to and

society as a whole.

We believe every person deserves the

best conditions and opportunities to

thrive. We aim to achieve our mission

by delivering exceptional facilities and

services that address both the smallest

details and the biggest challenges for our

colleagues, customers and communities.

Ensuring the best experiences,

productivity, practices, resilience and

outcomes for all is a tall order, but we

must sustain this high quality.

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One man, one mop

The company you see today was

sparked by the drive and vision of just

one individual who was working as a

part-time window cleaner, armed with

a mop, bucket and ladder in 1900.

That gentleman was our Founder,

Frederick William Goodliffe. Clearly

a man ahead of his time, Goodliffe’s

vision of a customer-focused business

set the stage for more than a century

of extraordinary growth and evolution

during one of the most transformational

and turbulent periods in human history.

With the lessons of his incredible legacy

sharp in our minds, we are striving

to become the best in the facilities

management business worldwide. If

Goodliffe could achieve all he did from

scratch as a single, albeit remarkable,

person, then imagine what the positive

might of 120,000 hearts and minds

across the OCS global family can

achieve today.

ESG Impact Report (UK&I) / 2023 / Page 6

OCS UK & Ireland


years of

experience and

service in facilities

management, after

being founded in

the UK in 1900.


people work in

OCS UK & Ireland.



colleagues in

total work at OCS,

operating across

30 nations.

regions that OCS

Group operates

in are the UK,

Europe, Asia

Pacific and Middle

Eastern regions.


customers across

the OCS business,

all of whom we

are dedicated

to continually


core services are

offered across OCS’

global business:

Cleaning, Catering,

Hard Services, Pest

Control, Security

and Facilities


Introducing the OCS TRUE Values

Our OCS TRUE Values of Trust, Respect, Unity, and Empowerment guide how we show up daily –

whether consistently delivering the tiny details or solving big challenges.

It’s not just about doing business; it’s about building genuine relationships and making a meaningful

impact together. Every day, we’re committed to being a place where you can bring your whole self

to deliver our mission, making people and places the best they can be for our colleagues, customers

and the communities we serve.

Embracing a new chapter

As part of the OCS Group, our team in the UK and

Ireland is equally committed to that journey. We

are not shying away from this challenge. Instead,

we believe in an ‘evidenced action’ approach to

our ESG goals, as you will see detailed throughout

this report, our debut review of OCS UK and

Ireland’s sustainability activities in 2023.

Aiming high

Our ESG culture has undoubtedly evolved during

2023, amidst the backdrop of changes to our

business. We pivoted to put a brighter and more

ambitious spotlight on integrating ESG into our

culture – from shopfloors to boardrooms.

One of our key goals is to have net zero

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in all our UK

and Ireland businesses by 2040. This is a very

short timeframe by any standard worldwide, but

I know we can achieve it by working together. We

want these choices to have the greatest impact as

quickly as possible, for sixteen years on the clock

to 2040 will zoom by.

We also appointed our first ESG Director for the

UK and Ireland this year to help advance our

activities and we will undertake a materiality

assessment in 2024 to help inform our ESG

Strategy and which UN Sustainable Development

Goals (SDG) areas to focus on. Proactively

reshaping how we manage within our ethos of

sustainability as a larger business sets us on the

right track to truly make a difference – socially,

environmentally and commercially.

The power of our people

To continually embed E, S and G into every aspect

of our business – from the smallest actions to the

most influential operations – requires unrelenting

dedication. This is where the strength, creativity and

skills of our team of 50,000-plus people in the UK

and Ireland shine through.

Our passion for empowering and facilitating positive

social change only grows stronger. We deeply

believe in the power of social value and social

mobility: helping those across our business and our

communities. Not only is it the right thing to do,

but it makes us all proud to be part of a healthier,

happier and more prosperous future.

Every step we take must support our TRUE

Values – Trust, Respect, Unity and Empowerment.

These principles have guided us through this

transformative chapter and they form the bedrock of

our next exciting steps together.

It is the hearts and minds of our teams, customers

and communities that underpin our success. We can

only leverage great opportunities, like the merger,

because we worked together with a clear and

inclusive purpose.

There is an invisible yet deeply ingrained sense of

duty in every single one of us to keep supporting

those we work with, our communities we work within

and the customers we are delighted to serve. We will

keep delivering on that pledge, year after year. For

us, there is no finish line in our ESG journey.

We are at a unique point in the company’s 124-year history. OCS Group’s

merger with Atalian Servest’s operations in the UK, Ireland and Asia in 2023

has created one of the world’s largest international facilities service providers.

This heralds a pivotal step in our mission to be the best facilities service

provider on the planet – and ESG is a key pillar in that journey.

CEO, OCS UK & Ireland


Elevating our approach

Our unwavering commitment to

achieve net zero GHG emissions across

our UK and Ireland businesses by 2040

means it is all hands-on deck across

our organisation.

The significant business growth

achieved with the merger inevitably

reshapes projections for OCS Group’s

environmental impact and thus, the UK

and Ireland’s role within that. But this also

means we are more determined than ever

to find solutions to minimise our impact.

Making sure we can address whatever

factors possible within OCS UK and

Ireland’s ecosystem and that of our

colleagues, customers, communities and

suppliers is a dynamic journey we are

eagerly undertaking.

Environmental pressure points are

escalating across the planet. The volume

and speed of consumption of natural

resources that we use in life and

business – such heating, travel, food

and electronics – all contribute to

today’s challenges.

Weather and climate disasters have

surged fivefold over the last 50 years.

More than 11,000 disasters have caused

the deaths of more than two million

people and £2.8 trillion in economic

losses1. Every single one of us must do

what we can to reduce our impact and

maximise both environmental and social

value – from individuals, to companies,

to countries.

ESG Impact Report (UK&I) / 2023 / Page 8

Building awareness

Many of the internal environmental

initiatives in OCS UK and Ireland focus

on enhancing our colleagues’ education

on why it matters and especially

why it matters so much now. We ran

Toolbox Talks on carbon, net zero, soil

management and recycling for colleagues

during 2023.

We have a responsibility to reduce our

own emissions, as well as our customers’

footprint, including the environmental

efficiency of their buildings. The

operation of all buildings worldwide

generally accounts for 30% of final energy

consumption globally and 26% of global

energy-related emissions2, so we are

dedicated to tackling this any way we

can. There is no silver bullet to greener

buildings. It will take the effort of millions

of companies worldwide to make real

change, but we believe every step in the

right direction is meaningful.

We want to do all we can to support

the environment, especially as we

aspire to become the world’s biggest

facilities management company. The

greater our influence, the greater our

positive environmental impact can be.

1. https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/05/1136897

2. International Energy Agency - https://www.iea.org/energy-system/buildings

Net Zero:

Our 16 year journey

Our pledge is made in line with science-

based targets to reduce emissions as per

the Paris Agreement, a landmark global

deal on how to tackle climate change.

Science-based targets give guidance for

new regulations, drive innovation and

act as a crucial goalpost for all

companies worldwide.

We have taken a momentous step over

the last year by committing to look at the

full Scope 3 emissions for OCS UK and

Ireland. Scope 3 includes all other indirect

emissions that occur in the upstream and

downstream activities of an organisation.

Measuring Scope 3 emissions is a

complex task; one the vast majority of

companies worldwide have not yet been

able to tackle. We believe this is vital to

enable us to be net zero by 2040 and

we have invested significant resources

to ensure scope 3 measurement was

achieved for 2023.

We have set 2023 as our baseline year

for net zero (see below). As we have

expanded from limited Scope 3 to full

Scope 3, our recorded emissions will

inevitably rise. This is to be expected in

the short-term as we build full visibility

of where we can, and will, reduce our

environmental impact.

Carbon footprint

OCS UK and Ireland have set ambitious

science-based targets and intend to

submit to the Science Based Targets

initiative (SBTi) for validation in 2024.

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Our targets cover:

• Scope 1: Direct emissions from the

buildings and assets we own or lease

• Scope 2: Indirect emissions from

purchased electricity, steam, heating

and cooling systems

• Scope 3: Indirect emissions throughout

our value chain, such as from our

suppliers and customers. We know

this is a complex journey and we

need to influence many different

partners. However, we believe that our

commitment should include all those

we work with to achieve net

zero authentically

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OCS engaged with third party auditors, Achilles,

under their Carbon Reduce Programme to help

verify Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions. Our reporting

methodology is based on the GHG protocol and

Corporate Value Chain Standard. We are pleased

to disclose the below information on our base

year emissions and will report progress against

these going forwards.

To achieve our net zero targets, we have

committed to these key milestones:

• Procure at least 80% renewable

electricity by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

Furthermore, we aim to source 100%

renewable electricity for our offices

by 2025

• 100% electric or hybrid vehicles in our

fleet by 2034

• 70% reduction in our Scope 1 emissions

by 2030 from a 2023 base year

• 56% reduction in Scope 3 emissions

intensity by 2030 from a 2023 base year

• Reduce Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions

across our value chain to reach net

zero by 2040



Tonnes CO2e

Scope 1: 12,421.5 Tonnes CO2e

Scope 3: 166,307.3 Tonnes CO2e

Scope 2 (location based):

1,077.5 Tonnes CO2e

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