
Conference Schedule - MHSRS 2024

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(#) Title




Essie Komla*

(MHSRS-24-12077) Army Liposome Formulation with QS21 (ALFQ): A

Safe and Potent Adjuvant in Phase I Clinical Trials

27 August

0815 - 0830

An Ounce of Prevention: Next Generation

Vaccines and Passive Immunoprophylaxis to

Enhance Warfghter Readiness

David Leggat*

(MHSRS-24-11944) RV 575 Study: Dose Optimization Study of ALFQ

Adjuvant in a Candidate HIV Vaccine Containing A244 and B.63521 HIV En-

velope Proteins Conducted at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

(WRAIR) - Results of a Blinded Interim Analysis

27 August

0830 - 0845

An Ounce of Prevention: Next Generation

Vaccines and Passive Immunoprophylaxis to

Enhance Warfghter Readiness

Caroline Subra*

(MHSRS-24-12301) Efcacy of the Bispecifc Antibody 10E8.4/iMab

Against High-dose Intravenous SHIV Challenge in Rhesus Macaques

27 August

0915 - 0930

An Ounce of Prevention: Next Generation

Vaccines and Passive Immunoprophylaxis to

Enhance Warfghter Readiness

CPT John MacArthur

(MHSRS-24-11209) Females Disproportionately Afected by Anorectal

Chlamydia in a Sample of US Army Service Members and their Medical


27 August

1500 - 1700

Poster Session 2 - Military Female Health

Research Aimed at Overcoming the Challenges

and Barriers Impacting OptimalWarfghter

Performance & Operational Readiness

David Leggat

(MHSRS-24-12730) Enhanced Immunomonitoring of Vaccine-Specifc

Cellular Responses in Candidate HIV Vaccine Trials

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - An Ounce of Prevention: Next

Generation Vaccines and Passive Immuno-

prophylaxis to Enhance Warfghter Readiness

Thujitha Thuraisamy

(MHSRS-24-12320) mRNA vaccine candidate selection via cell surface

antigen detection for development of next generation vaccines

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - An Ounce of Prevention: Next

Generation Vaccines and Passive Immuno-

prophylaxis to Enhance Warfghter Readiness

Joseph Tang

(MHSRS-24-11498) Preparing for Efcacy Testing of Next Generation

HIV Vaccine and Immunoprophylaxis Interventions: An Assessment of

Willingness to Participate at a Department of Defense-Collaborating Site

in Kisumu County, Kenya

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - Update in Emerging Infectious

Diseases of Military Importance: Predicting and

Preventing Future Outbreaks in Military Settings

Joseph Hang

(MHSRS-24-12908) Discovery of Respiratory Pathogens in People Living

with HIV in the African Cohort Study (AFRICOS)

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - Update in Emerging Infectious

Diseases of Military Importance: Predicting and

Preventing Future Outbreaks in Military Settings

MAJ Brennan Cebula

(MHSRS-24-11393) Mpox disease burden and associated predictors in

international at-risk populations

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - Update in Emerging Infectious

Diseases of Military Importance: Predicting and

Preventing Future Outbreaks in Military Settings

MAJ Brennan Cebula

(MHSRS-24-11913) COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, and practices among

people vulnerable to HIV in western Kenya

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - Update in Emerging Infectious

Diseases of Military Importance: Predicting and

Preventing Future Outbreaks in Military Settings

Ajay Parikh

(MHSRS-24-12943) Global Health Engagement and Capacity Building via

the African Cohort Study: HIV-1 Sequencing and Drug Resistance Testing

in sub-Saharan Africa.

28 August

1000 - 1200

Poster Session 3 - Global Health Engagement

Research in Combatant Commands

bold - MHRP

* - oral presentation

MHRP and Collaborators at MHSRS 2024

Kissimmee, Florida


“An Ounce of Prevention: Next Generation Vaccines and Passive Immunoprophylaxis to Enhance Warfghter Readiness”

27 August, 0800-1000

This two hour session features seven oral presentations focused on vaccines in the context of warfghter readiness, including research on a

potent, Army-developed adjuvant, Army Liposome Formulation with QS21 (ALFQ). The session is co-hosted by COL Julie Ake, MHRP-WRAIR

Director, and MAJ Gina Grifth, WRAIR Clinical Pharmacology Fellow.

Featured Session: