Fall 2024 Trade Catalog_053124 Version
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N E W T I T L E S and R E C E N T R E L E A S E S
www.avemariapress.com • (800) 282-1865
Fall 2024
“Have you ever wondered how the season of Advent
can bring healing to your heart? In this penetrating and engaging
collection of meditations, one for each day of Advent, Heather Khym
will bring you face-to-face and heart-to-heart with Jesus.”
—Bob Schuchts
Author of Be Healed
Encountering Emmanuel
A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Meditation
Illustrated by Josiah Henley
Embark on a transformative journey this Advent with Heather Khym,
cohost of the Abiding Together podcast, as she extends a heartfelt
invitation to embrace stillness and silence amid life’s chaos, allowing
God to dwell in the depths of your being. While the world moves at an
ever-faster pace, Heather encourages you to pull back from the hustle
and create space for our Savior to come into every area of your life—to
transform and heal it through his love.
In Encountering Emmanuel, using poignant reflections and
accompanying videos, Heather will gently guide you into the areas
of your heart where Christ has not yet come—the areas where you’ve
shut him out, the places you’ve long forgotten and ignored, or the
spaces you’re ashamed to acknowledge. You’ll learn how to invite
him in so that he can bring his light, love, peace, hope, and healing
into your heart. From the forgotten corners to the shadowed recesses,
Heather encourages you to open these spaces to the transformative
power of Christ’s love.
Each day will show you a unique way God can come into your life,
including the following:
• he comes in the darkness
• he comes to set us free
• he comes to awaken us from slumber
• he comes as a helpless child
• he comes as a gift to the world
• he comes as a person with a face
• he comes to be our food
God will not force—love never does—but he asks, and we have a
choice. Will you open wide your heart to the Savior and give your
fiat as Mary did?
Each day you’ll journey deeper into the meaning of Advent with
a meditation, stunning art specially created for this book by Josiah
Henley of Heart of IESVS, reflection questions, a prayer,
and journaling space.
Encountering Emmanuel is perfect for both individual and group
use. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader’s guide are
available at avemariapress.com.
• This series of seasonal journals from Ave Maria Press has sold
more than 145,000 copies.
• Heather is best known for her role as the cohost of the
Abiding Together podcast, the wildly successful show with
Sr. Miriam James Heidland and Michelle Benzinger.
• Beautiful artwork created by Josiah Henley, the artist behind
Heart of IESVS with 13,500 followers on Instagram, adds
another option for prayer through visio divina.
978-1-64680-367-5 ∙ 144 pages ∙ $11.95
On-Sale Date: August 16, 2024
Foreign Rights: World ∙ 5.5” x 8.5” ∙ Paperback
Catholicism / Advent
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
“Heather Khym knows what she’s talking
about! Most importantly, she knows who she’s
talking about. Her Advent devotional is an ideal
source of grace and guidance for prayer for
the reader who wants to stay focused on what
and who Advent is all about—salvation and our
Savior, Jesus Christ. Come, Lord Jesus!”
—Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR
Director of communications for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
“Heather Khym knows what she’s talking
about! Most importantly, she knows who she’s
talking about. Her Advent devotional is an ideal
source of grace and guidance for prayer for
the reader who wants to stay focused on what
and who Advent is all about—salvation and our
Savior, Jesus Christ. Come, Lord Jesus!”
—Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR
Director of communications for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
“This a beautiful devotional! Heather Khym
expertly weaves together personal stories,
wisdom from scripture, and insights from the
saints. Her writing helped illuminate
the mysteries present in the Advent season
and brought us to a deeper understanding of
God’s loving presence in our everyday lives.”
—Jackie and Bobby Angel
Catholic speakers, authors, and YouTubers
HEATHER KHYM is the cohost of the internationally
popular Abiding Together podcast and the author
of Abide. She and her husband, Jake, are the cofounders
of Life Restoration Ministries, where she serves as
Director of Vision and Ministry of the British Columbia–
based apostolate.
JOSIAH HENLEY is a Catholic illustrator and designer from Portland,
Oregon. His work is featured in Behold: A Guided Advent Journal for
Prayer and Meditation and Return: A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer
and Meditation..
Adore (Fr. John Burns)
978-1-64680-120-6, $10.95
Behold (Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT)
978-1-64680-194-7, $11.95
Prepare Your Heart (Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR)
978-1-64680-251-7, $11.95
Prepara tu corazón (Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR)
978-1-64680-295-1, $11.95
978-1-64680-356-9 ∙ 64 pages ∙ $2.75
On-Sale Date: August 2, 2024
Foreign Rights: World ∙ 5" x 7" ∙ Paperback
Prayer / Advent
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
Let Heaven and Nature Sing
Daily Prayers for Advent and Christmas 2024
Grow closer to the Lord this Advent and Christmas as you lift up
your voice in song using this unique and inspiring devotional.
From timeless hymns and classics to carols you remember from
childhood, Let Heaven and Nature Sing will inspire you to embrace
the spirit of the season as you await and prepare for the coming
of our Lord and Savior. In just a few minutes each day, immerse
yourself in prayer and reflection, guided by the lyrics and music of
such seasonal hymns as “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “Ave Maria,”
“La Guadalupana,” “O Come, Divine Messiah,” “Dona nobis pacem,”
“Silent Night,” “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” “What Child Is This?,” and “Go
Tell It on the Mountain.”
With eighteen different songs and various renditions of each, there
is something for everyone in this distinctive new devotional that
will have you meeting Christ in words, in silence, and in songs—
both familiar and new to you. An audio recording of each hymn is
easily accessed via a QR code at the end of each devotion, and the
complete lyrics of each song are printed in the back of the book for
easy reference.
Rooted in the spirituality and traditions of the Congregation of Holy
Cross, the founding community of the University of Notre Dame and
Ave Maria Press, this book is affordably priced for individual and bulk
purchases by Catholic parishes, schools, and other institutions.
• This is the first seasonal devotional priced for bulk purchasing
that has liturgical-themed music of Advent and Christmas as its
• In-book links to carols and hymns helps readers pray with a
variety of musical styles and settings.
• The 2023–24 Ave Devotionals for Advent and Lent sold out well
before each season began.
“Weaving a rich tapestry of sacred music with
thoughtful reflections and prayers, these little
books invite us to journey in a fresh new way
through the Church’s most holy seasons, which are
ever ancient and ever new. Whether it’s your first
or your fifty-first time through these holy doors of
the Church calendar, you will find ample comfort,
depth, and encouragement in these devotions.”
—Cameron Bellm
Author of A Consoling Embrace: Prayers for a Time of Pandemic
978-1-64680-358-3 ∙ 64 pages ∙ $2.75
On-Sale Date: September 13, 2024
Foreign Rights: ∙ World ∙ 5" x 7" ∙ Paperback
Prayer / Lent
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
Lord, Show Me the Way
Daily Prayers for Lent and Holy Week 2025
Let the music and lyrics of Christian tradition guide you through
the forty days of Lent toward the joy of Easter.
Inspired by hymns and songs that span generations and cultures,
Lord, Show Me the Way invites you to grasp the spirit of repentance
and conversion this Lent. Learn anew how to set your eyes and
heart on reaching the life-saving waters of Baptismal renewal that
we will embrace when Easter comes.
Each daily devotion offers a reflection on a hymn or song of praise
and worship, a short prayer, and a question or insight to ponder
throughout the day. Let the Spirit move you along on your journey
of faith as you reflect and pray with moving hymns such as “Down
to the River to Pray,” “Amazing Grace,” “I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Say,” “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,” “’Tis Good, Lord, to Be
Here,” “What Wondrous Love Is This,” and “Were You There.”
An audio recording of each song is easily accessed and via a QR
code at the end of each devotion, and the complete lyrics of each
song are printed in the back of the book for easy reference. With
sixteen different songs and various renditions of each, there is
something for everyone in this distinctive new devotional that will
have you meeting Christ in words, in silence, and in songs both
familiar and new to you.
Rooted in the spirituality and traditions of the Congregation of
Holy Cross, the founding community of the University of Notre
Dame and Ave Maria Press, this book of devotions is affordably
priced for individual and bulk purchases by Catholic parishes,
schools, and other institutions.
• This is the first seasonal devotional priced for bulk purchasing
that has liturgical and gospel music of Lent and Holy Week as
its foundation.
• In-book links to the hymns helps readers pray with a variety of
musical styles and settings.
• The 2023–24 Ave Devotionals for Advent and Lent sold out well
before each season began.
“I keep hearing from parishioners about
how much they love the Ave Devotionals.
These booklets are rich sources of prayer
and reflection and provide useful, down-to-earth
spiritual formation during the most important
seasons of the liturgical year. We are excited
to share these with our people!”
—Fr. John Dougherty, CSC
Pastor of St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church in Austin, Texas
“Gary Zimak intuitively crafts an immersive Advent journey
with Find Peace in Advent! His ‘read, reflect, respond, pray’ process fosters
an engaging experience that feels not only accessible but tangible.”
—Regina Boyd
Therapist and author of Leaving Loneliness Behind
Find Peace in Advent!
4 Weeks to Worrying Less at Christmas
Is it really possible to find peace during one of the busiest and stress-
filled times of the year? Catholic author and self-described “recovering
worrier” Gary Zimak offers a practical, scripture-based approach to
Advent so we can make room for Jesus in our chaotic, busy, and fast-
paced lives.
While most Catholics have an awareness of Lenten practices, we often
don’t know what to do during Advent—even if we know both seasons
are times of preparation. On top of this, the holiday season arrives with
its own busy rhythms with family and friends. Many of us know that
Advent is supposed to be a special season, but we are so pre-occupied
with getting ready for the holidays that we fail to benefit from it.
Find Peace in Advent! will enable you to deepen your relationship
with Jesus and find peace during one of the most stressful times of
the year. This book, which uses a similar approach to the bestselling
Give Up Worry for Lent!, requires only a few minutes of reading each
day and helps you grow closer to Jesus and experience the peace that
only he can give. The daily readings and reflections are easy to digest
and connect to the daily Mass readings and the rhythm of the Advent
season. With each entry, Zimak guides you to ponder foundational
truths of faith and apply them to your own life with four simple steps:
• Read
• Reflect
• Respond
• Pray
As you continue to meditate on scripture and practice the simple
action steps at the end of each reflection, you will find it easier to let
go of your stress and worries and instead take small steps to deepen
your relationship with God and make him the center of your life.
There is no better time to seek interior peace than Advent, which is
a time to prepare to celebrate the many ways Jesus reaches into our
lives. This four-week process is more than a survival guide to a busy
season—it is a journey by which we learn to walk with Jesus, the one
who guides our feet onto the path of peace.
• Gary Zimak’s other books with Ave Maria Press have sales of
more than 50,000 copies.
• Give Up Worry for Lent! sell more than 5,500 copies each Lent.
978-1-64680-291-3 ∙ 160 pages ∙ $15.95
On-Sale Date: August 2, 2024
Foreign Rights: World ∙ 5” x 7” ∙ Paperback
Catholicism / Personal Growth
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
“Gary Zimak’s gift is to bring people,
through scripture reading and reflection,
to the peace that only Jesus can give.
With this little Advent book, Zimak does it again.
Take a few minutes a day to read Find Peace in
Advent! and, as Christmas approaches, come close
to the One who can truly give you rest.”
—Cy Kellett
Host of Catholic Answers Live
“Gary Zimak has done it again! Weaving his own
experiences into reflection and prayer,
he gives us the opportunity to more fully enter
into the season. It can be tough to find peace
at any time, but especially during Advent—
or ‘the holidays’ as we know it now. But with God—
and a little help from Zimak—it can be done!”
—Gus Lloyd
Host of Seize the Day on Sirius XM’s The Catholic Channel
GARY ZIMAK is a Catholic speaker and the bestselling author
of a number of books, including Give Up Worry for Lent!, Let
Go of Anger and Stress!, Give Up Worry for Good!, Let Go of
Your Fear, and When Your Days Are Dark, God is Still Good.
Give Up Worry for Lent!
978-1-59471-881-6, $14.95
Let Go of Anger and Stress!
978-1-59471-983-7, $15.95
Give Up Worry for Good!
978-1-64680-051-3, $15.95
When Your Days Are Dark,
God Is Still Good
978-1-64680-188-6, $15.95
978-1-64680-360-6 ∙ 128 pages ∙ $11.95
On-Sale Date: August 30, 2024
Foreign Rights: World ∙ 5" x 7" ∙ Paperback
Christian Living / Saints
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
Born to Do This
30 Days with Joan of Arc
Edited by Jaymie Stuart Wolfe
Born to Do This is a personal, thirty-day retreat for those seeking
the courage and faith that St. Joan of Arc exemplified throughout
her life. Six hundred years after her birth and a century after her
canonization, she remains one of the most intriguing and popular
saints in history.
In this easy-to-use devotional, the life and words of St. Joan of Arc
will help you to grow in courageous faith—the kind of faith that
empowered St. Joan to answer God’s call, defeat her enemies,
endure martyrdom, and ultimately restore her reputation. With
diverse patronages ranging from the United States Armed
Forces to prisoners, from those ridiculed for their faith to the
entire population of France, this icon of courage and women’s
empowerment captures the imagination of today’s Catholic like
few saints can.
This little book is perfect for busy people who admire St. Joan of Arc
and desire an inspirational read to help navigate the difficulties and
challenges of life. The book contains
• a timeline of important events in Joan’s life and a map of
containing important landmarks associated with Joan’s life,
• a brief introduction to her life and times, and
• daily opportunities to read, reflect, and pray over her words
and story, contained in short yet substantial morning and
evening reflections drawn from court transcripts and other
contemporary documents.
As the six hundredth anniversary of her martyrdom approaches,
the inclusion of the Maid of Orleans in Ave’s Great Spiritual Teachers
series brings the inspiration of St. Joan’s own words and life story to
those who admire her courage and hope to emulate her in virtue.
A special novena is included at the end of the book for those who
wish to invoke her intercession.
• A rare offering about one of the most popular saints, drawn
from Joan’s own words and the testimony of those who knew
her and published to commemorate the one hundredth
anniversary of her canonization and six hundredth anniversary
of her death.
• St. Joan of Arc’s feast day is May 30, and Twelfth Night
(Epiphany) is celebrated as her birthday on January 6.
“Wow! This devotional is incredible.
Joan is such an inspirational spiritual example:
a simple girl who willed God’s will and became
a hero and a saint. As you read a bit of her story
every day, you will find encouragement to face
the challenges of your day, too.”
—Kristyn L. Brown
Photographer and creator of The Saints Project
JAYMIE STUART WOLFE is a freelance writer, author,
and editor at One More Basket, a biweekly columnist at
TheBostonPilot.com, and a bimonthly columnist at OSV
News. She serves on the board of the Joan of Arc Project,
which promotes devotion to St. Joan of Arc.
Simply Surrender (Thérèse of Lisieux)
978-1-59471-154-1, $10.95
Set Your Heart Free (Francis de Sales)
978-1-59471-153-4, $10.95
Let Nothing Disturb You (Teresa of Avila)
978-1-59471-152-7, $10.95
All Will Be Well (Julian of Norwich)
978-1-59471-151-0, $10.95
Holy Ambition
Thriving as a Catholic Woman at Work and at Home
Foreword by Michelle Hillaert
Whether you are an entrepreneur (or aspiring entrepreneur), a
business or nonprofit professional, or a business student, Holy
Ambition: Thriving as a Catholic Woman at Work and at Home
will help you navigate work and life with Christ at the center of it all,
recognizing that our most ambitious calling is to be saints.
Authors Taryn DeLong and Elise Crawford Gallagher draw from
Catholic Women in Business, their online community of more than
five thousand Catholic professional women, to answer some of the
most pressing questions about what it means to fully live out your
vocation as an ambitious Catholic businesswoman, recognizing
that the specifics can vary from woman to woman and from
one season of life to the next. Each chapter includes wisdom and
insights from saints and courageous women past and present
who serve as mentors, role models, and friends.
Some of the questions addressed in Holy Ambition include
the following:
• Am I discerning God’s will for my life correctly? (Learn from
St. Teresa of Calcutta, who persevered during times when she
could not hear God’s voice.)
• Is it OK to be ambitious and build wealth? (Be encouraged by
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, who used her ambition and wealth
for good—to protect her children.)
• How can I practice my faith in a secular environment?
(Be inspired by St. Gianna Molla, who built up her medical
practice with unwavering faith.)
With the turn of each page, you will deepen your understanding
of the feminine genius and discover how “women imbued with
the spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid humanity in not
falling” (St. John Paul II). The lived experiences of these women
will encourage you to discover and thrive in God’s unique and
unrepeatable plan for your life.
Chapter questions for reflection and discussion make this the
perfect choice for book clubs and small-group discussions.
• This book will appeal to the five-thousand-member online
community Catholic Women in Business.
• The sixteen Catholic businesswomen featured will share
and promote this book to their businesses, colleagues,
and friends.
“Taryn DeLong and Elise Crawford Gallagher
have offered a powerful resource for women
who understand their work in the world
as a vocation and yearn for it to be consonant
with the values of their faith.”
—Kerry Alys Robinson
President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA
978-1-64680-322-4 ∙ 192 pages ∙ $18.95
On-Sale Date: November 1, 2024
Foreign Rights: World ∙ 6" x 9" ∙ Paperback
Women’s Spirituality / Personal Growth
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
TARYN DELONG is the copresident and editor-in-chief
of Catholic Women in Business. She is a freelance writer
and editor for publications such as the Public Discourse,
CatholicMom.com, Natural Womanhood, Radiant magazine,
Well-Read Mom, and FemCatholic. She is also cohost of the
Catholic Women Lead podcast.
ELISE CRAWFORD GALLAGHER is copresident and founder of
Catholic Women in Business and the chief operations officer at
JC Law, a regional law firm based in Baltimore, MD. She is also a
life and business coach, speaker, and serial entrepreneur.
MICHELLE HILLAERT is the executive director of the GIVEN Institute.
“Fr. Mahan has zoned in on the essentials and presented them accessibly.
This is truly a great service. Highly recommended.”
—John C. Cavadini
Director of the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame
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