
Snapshot! - September 2024

The latest art, photography, books, reviews, interviews, rescue dogs and Algarve news from Alyson & Dave Sheldrake.

September 2024


The monthly newsletter from

Alyson and Dave Sheldrake

Alyson Sheldrake

Artist, author, organiser and the name

behind most of the crazy ideas round

here! She loves reading, learning new

things and encouraging others. A

former police ofÏcer and Director of

Education, she now spends her days

doing all the things she has always

wanted to do.

Dave Sheldrake

Photographer, lover of music, sausage

rolls, and movies and a delighted

Ipswich Town football club fan.

A retired police sergeant with over 31

years’ experience, he is now happiest

getting his feet wet on a beach taking

photographs at sunset. (He doesn’t do



The newest member of the Sheldrake

family, Zara is their fun loving and

slightly mischievous newly rescued

Spanish water dog. She loves chasing

after her tennis ball, adores tummy

rubs and snuggles, and wolfs down

her fishy fish pie breakfast each

morning with relish.

Kat the Dog

A never-to-be-forgotten member of

the Sheldrake family, Kat was their

much-loved and adored rescued

Spanish water dog. She loved

watching chickens, goats and rabbits,

long walks beside the river and eating

presunto, cheese, and carrots. She

was also an expert in snoozing!

Meet the Team

This Month’s Cover

The Silves Medieval Fair never fails to give us an amazing

selection of images to choose from for our cover shot...

Welcome to our Latest Edition

W e’ve lot s of n ew s for y ou t h is

m on t h !

We’re delighted to be launching our

brand-new Online Shop, where you

can select and order a range of canvas

or framed photo prints of both Dave’s

photographs and Alyson’s paintings.

We’ve been asked lots of times for prints

of our work - so we hope you like it!

As you can see, Dave had a slight

problem with his big toe last month,

resulting in ‘minor’ surgery at the

podiatrists. He’s now almost back to

normal, but sadly the problem did curtail

his trips to visit the Silves medieval fair

this year. He did manage to hobble round

for one trip though, so we still have some

nice photos to share with you.

Alyson is thrilled to announce that not

only does she have a big 4-page spread

in the renowned Entdecken Sie Algarve

magazine out here this month, they are

also hosting an exclusive exhibition of her

artwork in their ofÏces from now until the

end of October - it’s very exciting!

We’ve lots more inside for you to enjoy,

including the talented Dana Shell Art, a

New York photographer that loves the

Algarve, rescue dogs, books, news and

more! And thank you for all your recent

Ko-fi donations too. Your support means

so much to us. We hope you enjoy this

month’s Snapshot!

Best wishes from

Alyson and Dave - and Zara.


Dav e Sh eldr ak e Ph ot ogr aph y

The Silves Medieval Fair in all its

colourful glory

I n t h e St u dio W it h ...

This month we showcase the incredible

Dana Shell Art


Kat ’s Ku est ion s

Meet author J E Hannaford and her

adorable Cariad

Spot ligh t Ser ies

We interview New York based

photographer and dancer SuZen

My Top 5 Algar v e

Zara’s new groomer Tracey Duckworth

tells us her favourite spots

Book s by Aly son Sh eldr ak e

More lovely reviews for Kat the Dog and

another All Stars Bonus

Paw Pr in t s

What has Zara been up to and can we

find adorable Pombinho a new home?


Life in t h e Algar v e

Events, Workshops, Exhibitions and

the Latest News in Brief











Boa Com ida

Red wine and steak? Sounds like the

perfect combination...






“ Ola! Bom Dia!”

What’s it like to be a vegetarian in


Lin k s an d Con t act s

Our archive of issues and Alyson live on

the Good Morning Portugal show

Ov er t o You ...

Your marvellous messages, Ko-fi

donations and wonderful feedback

Th e Book sh elf

More fabulous books for you to devour

and enjoy this month

Ou r Fav ou r it e Th in gs

The N2, a miracle cream, an ocean

photographer and ultra realistic painter

Read All Abou t I t !

Great resources for artists and writers

of all abilities

Ar t by Aly son Sh eldr ak e

A big magazine feature and a brand new

exclusive exhibition here in the Algarve

Pu zzle Cor n er

We’re all at sea this month with our

wordsearch clues!









New - On lin e Sh op!

We’re delighted to be introducing a range

of special prints and canvas prints for you

Books by Alyson Sheldrake


Sadly, thanks to Dave’s poorly toe, he only managed one quick trip to the Silves

Medieval Fair last month - but he still managed to capture some great portraits:


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