
2025 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus

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RBMA Snapshot .......................................................................................................Below

Reach Your Target Audience ...................................................................................Page 3

Sponsorship Levels ..................................................................................................Page 4

Sponsorship Perks ....................................................................................................Page 5

Education Partner Sponsorships ..............................................................................Page 6

Sponsorship Add-Ons ...............................................................................................Page 7

ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum ....................................................................Page 9

RBMA PaRADigm Annual Conference ...................................................................... Page 10

PaRADigm Booth Add-Ons .......................................................................................Page 11

PaRADigm Events and Promotional Add-Ons ...........................................................Page 11

PaRADigm Closing Party ...........................................................................................Page 15

RBMA SYNC Fall Meeting ..........................................................................................Page 16

RBMA Snapshot

The Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) is an industry-leading organization comprised of

nearly 2,000 professionals who focus on the business of radiology. RBMA members support diagnostic imaging,

interventional radiology, and radiation oncology providers in the full spectrum of practice settings. RBMA

connects members nationwide to valuable information, education, and practice-related resources and serves as

an authoritative industry voice on behalf of shared member interests.

Member Network

Our member network is composed of professionals from every spectrum of the radiology industry:

Physician Practice and Imaging Facility Management


Operations Team Members

Billing and Coding Managers and Staff

Marketing Professionals

Business Solutions Vendors

57% of RBMA Members are Top Level Administrators

(Decision Makers) within radiology practices. Another

22% are Mid-Level Administrators (Influencers).


Sponsorship with RBMA is a holistic program that provides benefits and visibility to the sponsor year-round.

RBMA offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities across various platforms, programs, and initiatives,

allowing you to align your brand visibility, in-person contact, marketing activities and touchpoints with the

RBMA community to best meet your needs.

Global Sponsorship

Includes year-round opportunities and visibility in the exhibit hall at PaRADigm, the RBMA annual meeting.

Education Partner Sponsorship

Position your organization as a thought leader with our Education Partner Sponsorship which includes visibility

through webinars and learning opportunities at the RBMA annual meeting.





ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership


January 24-26, 2025

Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass

Phoenix, Ariz.

PaRADigm - RBMA Annual Meeting

March 25-28, 2025

Omni Nashville

Nashville, Tenn.

RBMA SYNC Conference

Oct 2025

AI & Hot Topics Focused Seminar

Washington, D.C. Metro Area

Webinar Series

10 Sponsored Webinar Spots

SPARK Virtual Workshop

Two days; 12-2:30 p.m. ET

June 26-27, 2025

Founders Day

Aug. 21, 2025

RBMA Bulletin (bi-monthly)

RadCast (weekly)

Connect RBMA (daily forum

emails, real-time & digest)

eFlash (Promotional Vendor email

that can be scheduled as requested)

Contact: Tim Barrett, FRBMA

Sponsorship Consultant

Email: tim.barrett@rbma.org

Phone: 225-939-2649

Investment Starts at $8,500 Minimum Spend































*Bonus Spend Dollars can be used on any item in the Sponsorship Prospectus

Requirement: RBMA Corporate Partnership

RBMA Corporate Partnership is a requirement for all sponsorship packages. Corporate Partnership is available

for $1,500 per company (a $100 discount off the list price). Corporate Partnership includes the following items:

Inclusion in RBMA’s corporate partner directory online – this includes a full webpage listing of your

organization with description, contact information, full-color logo and hyperlinked website.

Inclusion in RBMA’s annual buyer’s guide publication – this includes a full-color logo, description,

contact information and hyperlinked website.

Qualifies your company for discounted member rates on marketing opportunities such as booth space,

blast emails, web advertisements, mailing list rental and more.

Two annual memberships – this includes access to all RBMA member benefits, including forum

participation, complimentary webinars, member rates on educational programming and products,

members-only web content and more. Additional members can be added to your roster for an additional



Sponsors not only have access to exclusive sponsor-only opportunities, but they also enjoy the lowest pricing on

all marketing opportunities!







Booth (PaRADigm)

Reps can attend all education and special events, including two breakfasts, two lunches, two receptions,

and one closing party dinner


Incl. 2 reps


Incl. 4 reps


Incl. 4 reps

Premium Booth Upgrade (Included for Gold & Platinum)




Meter Board (price per side; $250 discount for two sides)




Exhibit Hall Traffic Generator Game




Exhibitor Guide Logo Upgrade




Exhibitor-Only Conference Attendee Lists*

(Sent twice – 1 month before conference & 1-week post-conference)




Exhibitor Guide Double Page Spread




Exhibitor Guide Full Page Ad




Exhibitor Guide Half Page Ad




eFlash (Promotional Email, Limits apply dependent on tier)




Mailing List (One-Time Use)


Members / Members & Non-Members


Members / Members & Non-



Members / Members & Non-


Conference Essentials Kit Insert (Attendee Conference Bag)




Press Release

Sponsors Only

Sponsors Only

$300 each

Tabletop (ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum)

Sponsors Only

Sponsors Only


Tabletop (RBMA Fall Meeting “SYNC”)

Sponsors Only

Sponsors Only


Additional Opportunities Identified in the Prospectus

Sponsors Only

Sponsors Only


*Only exhibiting companies can add this to their sponsorship package

Your investment goes further with Sponsorship!


1 Booth

Meter Board


Attendee List

Exhibitor Guide Full Page Ad

Exhibitor Guide Logo Upgrade


As a Non-Member: $10,000 (only 2 booth reps)

As a Corporate Partner: $8,250 (4 booth reps)

As a Sponsor: $6,300 (4 booth reps)

Savings Off of Non-Member Rates: $3,700


Position your company as a cutting-edge, thought leader by supporting RBMA learning.




NEW! RBMA Leadership Academy Sponsorships

A “Give Back” Sponsorship Opportunity! Help us grow the next generation of leaders within the radiology community!

Leadership Academy

Registration Sponsor

More Details >>

✓ Offset registration expenses for RBMA meetings and

online programming for an academy student

✓ Company Logo on website and all marketing materials

for Leadership Academy (Top Billing)

✓ Referenced in all program press releases


5 Available

Leadership Academy Travel


✓ Offset travel costs for RBMA meetings for an academy


✓ Company logo on website and all marketing materials for

Leadership Academy


5 Available

Leadership Academy Supporter

✓ Company logo on website as a Leadership Academy



Virtual Program Sponsorships

Single (1) Webinar Sponsorship

2025 dates & corresponding

deadlines >>

✓ RBMA will manage all promotion, registration, and

webinar delivery

✓ Sponsor provides speaker, topic, content by deliverable

date outlined

✓ Sponsor logo listed on webpage, included in all digital

marketing efforts, and included on PPT deck opening

slide and thank you slide


10 Available

SPARK Virtual Workshop

June 26-27, 2025

✓ Two-day virtual workshop featuring Radiology Marketing

specific education

✓ Company Logo on website and all e-marketing materials

✓ Company Rep has 1-minute speaking opportunity

✓ Two complimentary registrations for your company reps

to attend the workshop


6 Available

RBMA Founders Day Sponsorships – Aug. 21, 2025

Founder’s Day is a virtual day of education and conversation in celebration of RBMA's founding day! Registration is

free to all members and non-members – broad audience appeal.

RBMA Founders Day

Sponsor – Tier 1

Includes 1-hour virtual session

✓ Sponsor provides speaker and topic (pending RBMA

approval), for a one-hour virtual session.

✓ Top billing, sponsor logo listing on webpage, all digital

marketing efforts, and the introduction slides


2 Available

RBMA Founders Day

Sponsor – Tier 2

Includes 30-min virtual session

✓ Sponsor provides speaker and topic (pending RBMA

approval), for a 30-minute virtual session.

✓ Tier two sponsor logo listing on webpage, all digital

marketing efforts, and the introduction slides


2 Available

RBMA Founders Day

Sponsor – Tier 3

Includes Wrap Up Party

✓ Sponsor helps to serve as Wrap-Up Party Host,

facilitating trivia and games with RBMA leadership.

✓ Tier three sponsor logo listing on webpage and all digital

marketing efforts



RBMA Founders Day

Sponsor – Tier 4

✓ Tier four sponsor logo listing on webpage and all digital

marketing efforts


10 Available


Sponsorship Add-Ons : Digital Advertising

Customize your global sponsorship package to build the exposure and reach that best suit your marketing goals.


RBMA Bulletin*

Members consistently rank the RBMA Bulletin as one of the most valuable benefits

they receive.

Audience: CEO, CFO, COO, President, Vice President, Administrator, Administrative

Director, Executive Director, Business Manager, Manager, Marketing Director,

Physician, Staff

Editorial/Advertising Ratio: 65/35. Advertising is fully interspersed with editorial


Format: Digital with embedded rich-media technology

Display Rates - Run of Book [Member rates shown]

Ad Size




Double Page Spread




Full Page




Half Page




Enhance Your Ad Buy

[The Bulletin format allows for videos, lead generation forms, and live links. Upgrade your ads by

having a video play or have users click to your website for a whitepaper/additional

information/promotion, etc.]

Fee Per Issue/Any Size

$500 per click thru

Buy a 3-Pack of Ads – Get 3 Click Thru’s Free ($1,500 savings)

Buy a 6-Pack of Ads – Get 6 Click Thru’s Free ($2,500 savings)


The quickest way to connect with potential customers is to send a message via email. Let RBMA distribute your

message to our opt-in mailing list. Note that there is a limit of two (2) vendor eFlashes sent per week on Monday

and Thursday (98 spots available in 2025, beginning Jan. 6, 2025) and a maximum of two (2) eFlashes per

sponsor sent each month. EFlashes in the 3 weeks preceding conferences are limited to one per sponsor for

copper level sponsors and above, on a first-come first-served basis.

One-Time Deployment Sponsor Rate: $1,000

Press Release Distribution

Deliver your organization’s breaking news to RBMA members through our weekly eNewsletter RadCast in the

corporate releases section.

One-Time Deployment Sponsor Rate: $300

Website Banner Ads*

Get noticed fast! Advertise with a banner ad on the RBMA website. With over 500 hits per day, the RBMA

website is the perfect venue to reach radiology business professionals.

Format: Animated or static GIF or JPG



RBMA Homepage – Leaderboard (Above Header)

(970x90 pixels) – Rotating – 6 advertisements max

$7,000 per quarter

$25,000 per year

RBMA Subpages – Leaderboard (Above Header)

(970x90 pixels) – Rotating – 6 advertisements max

$6,000 per quarter

$20,000 per year

COMBO RBMA Homepage & Subpages Leaderboard

(970x90 pixels) – Rotating – 6 advertisements max

$10,000 per quarter

$30,000 per year

RBMA Homepage – Middle Feature (970x90 pixels)

Rotating – 3 advertisements max

$5,000 per quarter

$15,000 per year

RBMA Subpages (all, above footer) (300x300 pixels)

$2,500 per month

RBMA Forum – Digest eMail + Landing Page Ad

RBMA’s newly revamped online forums enable attendees to connect with colleagues, ask questions most

pertinent to their needs, and receive immediate, actionable feedback and solutions.

Leverage the opportunity to promote your brand, directly delivered to RBMA members daily, by running this

footer ad on all Connect RBMA emails – digest and real-time – as well as a banner ad on the RBMA Connect

home page!

Average of 16,250 viewed emails per month



Connect RBMA (Forum) Ads - 1 Month

In Post (Exclusive Ad Location) - $4,000

Bottom Banner (Exclusive Ad Location) - $3,000

In Post & Bottom Banner (Email Exclusivity) - $5,500

ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum


The ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum is a long-standing, highly successful program built by radiology

practice leaders for current and emerging radiology practice leaders. This increasingly popular program co-

hosted by the ACR, RLI and RBMA is the go-to event where clinicians and administrators can discover real-world

strategies to tackle their most pressing practice challenges.

The ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum will feature a limited number (21) of tabletop exhibits and the

meeting schedule will allow for focused time with your buying audience. We encourage interaction between

vendors and potential customers on and off the Exhibit floor. RBMA expects over 170 attendees in 2025.

Meet with qualified sales prospects.

Limited to twenty-one (21) vendors so you have more dedicated one-on-one time with attendees.

Attend valuable networking opportunities throughout the conference.

Who Attends?

Conference attendee responsibilities include Practice Administrators, Physicians, C-Suite Decision Makers, and

Emerging Leaders.

What is included with your booth fee?

Two complimentary Exhibit staff badges per tabletop display

Exhibit staff are invited to all conference special event/meal functions and can attend all educational

sessions; we encourage exhibit staff to network with attendees inside and outside the exhibit hall

The ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum Sponsorship Opportunities




Synergy Level

✓ Includes acknowledgment as a top-tier sponsor and supporter of the PLF

meeting with logo on signage, website, and all conference collateral.

✓ Select one Exclusive special event sponsorship of your choice (FCFS):

Welcome Reception, Lunch, Breakfast (2 opportunities), Coffee Breaks

✓ Includes additional sponsorship notation as follows:


Reception (logo’d napkins)


Coffee Breaks (coffee sleeves for 4 breaks throughout the conference)


Lunch & Breakfasts (table stations + tent cards on stanchions)

✓ One (1) push notification re: your chosen sponsored event

✓ Tabletop exhibit and first round of table location selection (based on

level and contract ratification date)


5 Available



✓ Includes acknowledgment as a middle-tier sponsor and supporter of the

PLF meeting

✓ Select one Exclusive special event sponsorship of your choice (FCFS):

Premium Mobile App Sponsor (2), Notepad, Pen, Lanyard, Bag

✓ Logo on signage and meeting website

✓ Includes a tabletop exhibit and second round of table location selection

(based on level and contract ratification date)

✓ *Mobile App Sponsor ONLY includes two push notifications on the PLF meeting app


6 Available



✓ Includes acknowledgment as a third-tier sponsor and supporter of the

PLF meeting

✓ Logo on meeting website

✓ Includes a tabletop exhibit and third round of table selection


10 Available




Typically, over 600 registrants attend PaRADigm. All attendees are professionals engaging in the business of

radiology. They are often the decision-maker who has the trust of their physician.

The PaRADigm Exhibit Hall schedule allows for focused time with your buying audience. Special events will be

held in the Exhibit Hall throughout the conference to draw in attendees. When attendees are in sessions, you

may be as well. We encourage interaction between vendors and potential customers on and off the Exhibit


Meet with qualified sales prospects

Experience concentrated exhibit time over two and a half days

Attend valuable networking opportunities throughout the conference

Exhibiting representatives receive valuable education, all conference meals and additional face time

with attendees

Who Attends?

Conference attendee responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Practice Administrators

C-Suite Radiology Business Professionals

Billing and Coding Managers


Booth Details

All exhibit spaces are priced per 10’ x 10’ booth. No tabletops are available.

Included in your booth fee:

8’ High Backwall & 3’ High Siderails Drape Color: Black

One (1) Wastebasket

One (1) Company ID Sign (7” x 44”)

Complimentary Exhibit staff badges per 10’ x 10’ (Sponsors & Corporate Partners: 4; Non-Members: 2)

Exhibit staff are invited to all conference special event/meal functions and can attend all educational

sessions; we encourage exhibit staff to network with attendees inside and outside the exhibit hall

Booth Configuration:

Titanium, Platinum & Gold Sponsors can secure a maximum of 4 booths: peninsula or inline

configuration. Note that island booths are not available in 2025 due to limited booth space.

Silver & Copper Sponsors can secure a maximum of 3 booths: inline configuration only.

Cobalt, Bronze & Nickel Sponsors can secure a maximum of 2 booths: inline configuration only.

Booth Assignments:

Sponsor booths are assigned before all other exhibitors, in order of sponsorship tier. Within each sponsorship

tier, assignments are made based on date of receipt of the signed sponsorship contract. Move to the front of

the line in your sponsorship tier by contracting and signing quickly for 2025. Assignments will begin in October.

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