Crown Life September 2024
Welcome to interactive presentation, created with Publuu. Enjoy the reading!
A Seed May seem like a small thing, However
within that seed is the potential to be a great
and mighty harvest. Te seed is the beginning
of something much greater. One thing remains
true. Without the seed there can be no harvest!
Te Seed is powerful, Te seed is valuable, Te
seed is vital if you desire a harvest in any area of
your life. Scriptures says,;
2 Corinthians 9:10 And [God] Who provides
seed for the sower and bread for eating will also
provide and multiply your [resources for] sow-
ing and increase the fruits of your righteous-
ness [which manifests itself in active goodness,
kindness, and charity].
Gods way of operation is Seed-time and Harvest!
Our destiny’s are connected to it. Everything we
do is seed. Te Words we say, Te Money we give,
Te acts of Kindness we sow. It all becomes seed!
And when we plant seed, we must exercise faith
and believe for a harvest! A harvest that God
himself desires to give to those who obey him.
Gods shows us this truth in the sending of
HIS own SON to be the Seed for a Harvest of
Lost and dying humanity. He was the First-
born among many brethren scripture says.
Luke 2:7 King James Version (KJV) 7 And
she gave birth to her Son, her Firstborn;
and she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes
and laid Him in a manger, because there
was no room or place for them in the inn.
A seed may seem like a small, insignifcant thing.
Just a tiny, dormant capsule waiting to sprout
into something much greater. But don’t un-
derestimate the power that lies within a seed.
A seed is a symbol!!! A Symbol of poten-
tial, Destiny, and Promise. It holds within
it the promise of life, growth, and transfor-
mation. It may seem fragile, but it carries the
strength to break through soil, reach for the
Light, and Grow into something Powerful.
Te lifespan of a seed may vary depending on
the species, but its journey is always remark-
able. Some seeds may lay dormant for years,
waiting for the perfect conditions to germinate.
Others may germinate almost immediately,
bursting forth with energy and vigor. But no mat-
ter how long it takes, a seed is patient. It bides its
time, knowing that with the right care and nur-
turing, it can grow into something extraordinary.
So next time you look at a seed, remember the
power that lies within it.
John 12: 24 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you,
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and
dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes
more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it
produces many others and yields a rich harvest.
He is not speaking biologically - He is speaking
theologically by drawing a metaphorical point
from what is familiar - the planting a growing of
seeds. Te point is rather simple - a seed cannot
germinate and grow into a plant unless it ceases
to be a seed.
[Technically, and biologically, this means that
the hard casing of the seed must be ruptured to
enable germination to produce a plant.]
hat is, when the seed germinates, produces
roots, stems and leaves, etc, the seed does not
and cannot exist – it has been destroyed and,
metaphorically speaking, has died.
We are writing today to commemorate, ob-
serve, mark, keep, honor, remember, memorial-
ize What Jesus Has done for us, I am going to
show you today
Tat Jesus Was Tat Seed!
He was born into an earthly shell, He was bro-
ken a Ruptured at the Cross of Calvary! And
the place in the ground in the borrowed tomb
of Joseph of Arimathea. On the third day He
rose again, Triumphant over Death, Heall, and
the Grave!
Te Seed that was planted in the womb of a vir-
gin girl, died, was placed in the earth only to
break ground on the third day! Ten like a dan-
delion that you hold in the air, HE became not
only a seed that positioned us for Harvest! HE
also multiplied in the upper room,
When the wind blows and dandelion become
seed again blown by the wind to multiple again.
Acts 2: 2 And when the day of Pentecost had
fully come, they were all assembled together in
one place,
2 When suddenly there came a sound from
heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest
blast, and it flled the whole house in which they
were sitting.
3 And there appeared to them tongues resem-
bling fre, which were separated and distributed
and which settled on each one of them.
4 And they were all flled (difused through-
out their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began
to speak in other (diferent, foreign) languag-
es (tongues), as the Spirit [a]kept giving them
clear and loud expression [in each tongue in ap-
propriate words].
One seed became 120m in the Upper Room, Te
3000 as Peter preached to the crowd outside the
upper room, and NOW Millions who are flled
with the same Spirit that invaded to borrowed
tomb and raised the tree day dead body of Je-
sus from the grave. And now that same Spirit
quickens our mortal bodies!
He was the Seed, We are the Harvest, and our
Mission is to Multiply!!!!
Seed time and Harvest are the blueprint for how
the Kingdom will Expand and reach the World.
Get ready! Tis is just the beginning, Plant,
Reap and Repeat!!!!!
In His Grace
Pastor Rick
Congratulations to our Volunteer of the Month for August!
Amy serves as a primary teacher in the Preschool Class of Krown Kidz. Each
week Amy is faithful to teach 4 & 5-year-olds the Word of God on their level
and provide them with a fun and safe environment in which to learn. Amy
also serves as a Missionettes sponsor on Wednesday nights to the Stars
class – girls grade 3-6- teaching them how to be Godly women.
Amy has been a Krown Kidz Summer Camp Counselor for the past 9 years.
Amy’s gracious heart of service and love for our Crown kiddos is evident in all
that she does. Her consistency, dependability, and stability have made her a
pillar in Krown Kidz and in the lives of our children! Thank you, Amy, for your
beautiful heart and relentless sacrifices to reach the next generation!
We love and appreciate you so very much! And, by the way, Happy Birthday!
August has been a great month for
Crown Youth. We just wrapped up
the RESTARTseries where we taught
on how God helps us to restart
when we feel like a failure, when
we feel overwhelmed, when we feel
stuck, and when we feel unwanted.
We had a great time wacky bowling,
and we’d like to say a great big thank
you to Kim Gilbert for providing us
with an amazing, mashed potato
Tis month we will be teaching a
new series called Good Call. It is a
series on Godly decision making.
We will also be going to the Blue
Wahoos game on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 11 in lieu of youth service.
I’m having a blast getting to know
some of our youth and getting re-
acquainted with some of my former
students. Sharing the Word of God
with them each week and watching
God work in their lives is an honor’
I’m most excited about our Summer
Trip 2025. We are planning to take
the youth to Pigeon Forge, TN June
8-13, 2025, in lieu of Beach Freak or
summer camp. Tis will be a great
time for youth and leaders alike and
a chance for many of our youth to
travel outside of the state of Florida.
Cost for this trip is approximately
$550 per person so it is about $150
more than Beach Freak.
We will be staying in two cabins
in the Smoky Mountains, going to
Dollywood, Splash Country, white
water rafing, the Comedy Barn,
and the Pirate Dinner Show. We
are looking forward to spending
time together and ending each eve-
ning with a devotional around the
bonfre (smores included)! Because
of the cost, we will be doing many
fund raisers.
I hope that you will be supportive
of our youth as they endeavor to
raise money for this trip. We will
be making memories that will last
a lifetime so this experience will be
priceless for them.
Individual Fundraisers will include
the following:
September 15, 2024-November 15,
Yankee Candle Catalog/Online Sale
October 1, 2024-
November 17,2024:
Tanksgiving Publix Gif Card
Grocery Rafe
November 18, 2024 –
December 31, 2024:
Krispy Kreme Donut Sales
January 1, 2025 –
February 14, 2025:
Valentine’s Day Dinner and Spa
Package Rafe
February 15, 2025 – April 13, 2025:
Easter Publix Gif Card Grocery
April 13, 2025 – June 1, 2025:
Culvers Coupon
Page Sales
Group Fundraisers will be as
September 25, 2024:
Spaghetti Fundraiser Dinner
$10 Tickets
October 13, 2024: Bake Sale
following Morning
Worship Service
October 23, 2024: Tacos
Fundraiser Dinner
$10 Tickets
November 20, 2024:
Chili Fundraiser Dinner
$10 Tickets
January -May 2025: Fundraiser
Dates and Meals to be determined
Restaurant Sponsorship Nights -
Local restaurants will give us a
percentage of sales. Restaurants
and dates to be determined.
Late February/Early March 2025 –
Golf Tournament
Please continue to remember our
youth and our youth leaders in your
prayers as I know you already do!
What an opportunity that we have
to change the next generation for
Pastor Bill
We believe the most important thing we can leave for the next generation is a legacy of faith,
love and generosity. Legacy Night happens every Wednesday Night at 6:45. Legacy Night is
about building stronger families and stronger communities by building stronger, men, women,
and young people.
The Garrison is the men’s ministry of Crown Church. At the Garrison we learn what it means to
be a true man of God. We learn how the scripture teaches us to love our wives and children, and
what all of this looks like in real life.
Women of Worth is the women’s ministry of Crown Church meeting every Wednesday at 6:45. At
WOW we are focused on teaching the women of our church and surrounding community to live to the
fullness of their potential, by truly understanding what it means to be a Godly woman and fulfilling the
purpose for which they were created.
The Forge is the Student Ministry of Crown Church. Every week we meet to show students that they
are the created handywork of God, and that they were made for a purpose. We encourage students to
establish a relationship with Jesus Christ, while having fun and building lasting Christian friendships.
Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys and young men (grades 1-6)
with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong
servant leaders.
Missionettes is a church-based discipleship program that has a legacy of godly women coming
alongside girls (grades 1-6) and guiding them on a path to become mature and godly women. Our
goal is simple: To see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, and to realize her
importance and potential in the kingdom of God.
Rainbows launches little hearts (ages 3- Kindergarten) into the exciting journey of discovering God
and His great love. Noah’s Ark provides an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity
pages, and games for this club.
We had a great time at OWA on Saturday August 31. If you were not able to attend, we
definitely missed you. School is back in session and our kids face challenges that are
difficult that we as adults did not have to face. It is our goal to empower our kids to stand
on the truth of the Word of God and be bold enough to withstand the attacks that come
against them. Kids are tiny adults that have real trials, issues, fears and problems.
Over the last several weeks, we have been teaching the importance of becoming good
leaders, following good leaders, leading with actions and not just words, choosing good
friends, and working together. We will close out this series with honoring God with our
actions and leading others to worship God! Our next series will focus on the importance
of worship.
It is my goal to be a part of your child’s life including sports events, recitals, plays etc.
I cannot make every event of every child, but please provide me a schedule of events,
practices, and games and I will do my best to be a participant. Thank you for allowing me
to help raise your child in becoming a mighty man or woman of God!
If you are interested in being a counselor for next year’s Krown Kidz Summer Camp,
please let me know. Based on Camp Baldwin raising their prices, we will have to raise the
price of camp as well. I will have those figures to you as quickly as possible. We will open
registration shortly to have longer for you to save the required funds for camp. Dates for
Krown Kidz Summer Camp will be July 9-12, 2025.
In His Grace,
Pastor Bill
“Grace is based on the goodness of the giver, not on the one receiving it”
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